03-22-2016 11:58 PM
Now’s the time to list in Canadian dollars
Starting this spring, Canadian dollars will be the sole listing currency on eBay.ca
The reasoning is B.S. Why are eBay Americans treated better than the rest of the worlds eBay members? They have a better tool for uploading pictures, Their sellers are ACTUALLY PROTECTED when shipping internationally with the Pitney Bowes scam and theft of placing a sticker on a sticker, violating certain Canadian custom regs by "supposedly collecting" what need not be collected for certain prices and items, and why do you now force me to be further scammed by thieves using the The buyer requested a return because they have buyers remorse. I'm about to be out $30 USA Greenbacks NOT Canadian Loons because a buyer / seller with poor 90% feedback and only 30 feedbacks to boot is using ebays New return policy to perpetrate mail fraud against me? I will not give them a return, I refuse. I imagine my perfect record of 100% and all my great feedback will be ruined. And all the extra US money I have been making with Sales WAY UP this year selling in US funds will diminish. I have twice contacted the buyer who is basically a disgrace to all good ebay buyers and sellers with no return contact. I will become a victim of a cheat and fraud. Will pay pal automatically take my money or will they give me a chance to plead a case. Have enjoyed 4 great years on ebay but small sellers are continually hampered and left to abuse, eBay just wants big fish now. Anyone know what my options are to avoid this scam theft and mail fraud? To bad as well there is not enough of us to Protest eBays discriminatory monetary shove down your throat policy based on untimely analytics and a market force over time they do not understand. + when will the rest of the eBay world be treated like the American ebayers??? Anyone have any answers , solutions for me? Thanks.
03-24-2016 11:40 AM
Hello 'p009731',
<<Now’s the time to list in Canadian dollars
Starting this spring, Canadian dollars will be the sole listing currency on eBay.ca
The reasoning is B.S. >>
Biblical Studies? Bachelor of Science? Basel-Stadt? British Standards?
<<Why are eBay Americans treated better than the rest of the worlds eBay members? >>
Regarding listing in the country's currency, I'd say that they are treated the same as everyone else. So, too, will Canada be. If you list on, say, ebay UK, you must list in £ not $.
But I suppose ebay is an American company and so quite naturally American interests will be paramount.
<< Pitney Bowes scam and theft of placing a sticker on a sticker, violating certain Canadian custom regs by "supposedly collecting" what need not be collected for certain prices and items, >>
You knew about Canada's required import charges for items over $20 in value, right?
Irksome as it is, it is not a 'scam'. That would be charging to ship and item and sending nothing, then absconding with all the money. That would be a scam. The GSP may be an expensive way to transport items, perhaps over-priced according to some, but they are not violating any laws. By law, Pitney-Bowes is required to add on the charges.
<< a buyer / seller with poor 90% feedback and only 30 feedbacks to boot is using ebays New return policy to perpetrate mail fraud against me>>
That is a police matter, and if you truly believe someone is committing mail fraud, - inform both the Post Office and the police. Get report numbers in each instance and pass these along to ebay.
If, however, you are simply disgruntled because a buyer is returning an item and you have a personal policy of "Pay Up and Shut Up", you will not find a great deal of sympathy from ebay, the post office, nor the police. When you sell on ebay, you will occasionally have to accept a return. If you can prove your buyer is behaving in a fraudulent manner then point this out. Otherwise I cannot recommend digging in your heels on this one.
<<Anyone know what my options are to avoid this scam theft and mail fraud? >>
To begin, stop hollering like a victim. File reports with the authorities to get report numbers. Use the Report a Buyer link to calmly outline the nature of the alleged fraud and add the report numbers. Then call ebay and explain the same to the telephone attendant.
That will make you look like you have a genuine grievance instead of whining about how unfair the world is.
<< Anyone have any answers , solutions for me? >>
Stop griping, and take action. No one can help you if you do not first decide to help yourself.
03-25-2016 02:07 PM - last edited on 03-25-2016 02:10 PM by lizzier-ca
<<<<Use the Report a Buyer link to calmly outline the nature of the alleged fraud and add the report numbers>>>
I have used this link, then I wanted to add info, but who knew they only give you one shot and try at it, You can't go back and add pertinent info. The buyer claims I sent the wrong item as a way to get a free item. The item was $16.50 US and $15.00 US shipping. The time period for me to refund expired yesterday and it is now up to the person misusing ebays return policy to contact ebay and paypal to help them abscond with MY money. Not a smart way for me to go over 36.50 US but I am a no nonsense seller with excellent feed back and if I have to take a negative in order to not be held hostage I will. My sales will plummet soon any way with Miss High and mighty Righteous of ebay Canada making a very poor and unwelcome decision for ebays customers (the sellers).
In another words fiddlesticks rubbish, hogwash.
+ just google any acronym you are unsure of, it’s usually help full 😉 < that’s a smiley face with a wink. BTW (By The Way)
The Police could care less about mail fraud unless it is a large fish to fry.
It's gonna be a he said she said, and I would not be surprised if ebay takes the side of a seller / "buyer" with low and poor feedback compared to mine. I know 12 jurors or a judge would side with me but basically no one gives a **bleep** because as a seller I an supposed to Put and Shut - up.
Has anyone else been through the buyer misusing ebays return policy and refusing to refund that could actually pass on some sound advice besides put and shut up which I will not do..
I am taking action here looking for help , advice and solutions.
Granted the original was a quick rant because I was **bleep** and sick of the odd BAD Buyer and the person who answered took certain parts (not all) as in Pitney Bowes and misconstrued them slightly, but maybe you can answer if you would please, how do you get the green font, I tried in word, so I could set mine up like yours and wouldn’t paste as in different color (American sp.) I do this with my listings and it works but not here. Also the colour change in the listing page never seems to work as well, always have to use word C & P or cntr v which means copy and paste.
03-25-2016 05:06 PM