Why your items may not be seen by potential buyers

To all those who wonder why they have less sales than normal. I just discovered all my "item specifics" had dissapeared on most of my listings. I went to revise an item, and I get a red field with "item specifics have changed for this category" When I looked, sure enough, all the details were gone. I know for 100% sure, that I put that in when I listed. The items I sell HAVE to have all the details, or I can't go to the next step. So, depending on how a buyer searches, your item may never appear in their search, if your details are gone. Ergo, no sales. From now on I will check my listings daily, to make sure all my details are there. I'm somewhat technecally challenged, but is it possible, there's just too many sellers, with too many details, that sometimes the system simply gets rid of some of it? Just a thought. Cheers

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