Spanish? Is the seller overseas or in Mexico?
Many sellers are lax about marking purchases as shipped. If the seller does not use Paypal labels, which automatically notify the recipient that the label has been purchased, that column can remain unchecked indefinitely.
Not answering a query is more serious. It could be sloppiness, it could be that you are dealing with a relatively large company which does not have a designated employee to answer questions.
In any case, both eBay and PP have strong buyer protection.
In my experience it takes about 10-15 days for items to arrive from Europe.
It takes bout 15-20 days for items to arrive from North America.
It takes about 20-30 days for items to arrive from overseas.
When those dates have passed, enquire once more of the seller the date, service and tracking number of the shipment. There may be no tracking number, don't worry about that: it is useless for you anyway.
If the response is not satisfactory, and offering a replacement is not satisfactory, btw, go to the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page and open an Item Not Received Dispute.
The first step is to contact the seller, but you have done that, so go to the next step and escalate to a claim.
If the seller cannot prove delivery (that's how the tracking number protects him) he is required to refund you. If he does not, PP will refund you and go after him for their money. He will not like that one bit.