08-03-2013 01:51 PM
This is the second time that I have won an auction and then a seller has claimed to not have the item and has offered a refund. Is there a way I can leave feedback? Any suggestions?
08-03-2013 02:36 PM
You should be able to leave feedback since you did pay. Did they give a reason as to why they don't have the item and did it sound legit?
Does the seller's feedback have many comments about items not being available? If not.....this could be an honest mistake.This was an auction format right? If you won the item for low price and other ebayers are selling it for much more..it could be that the seller feels they didn't get often money for that item. They should still honor the bid anyway but that doesn't always happen.
If something seems off...you might want to leave a neutral although that really depends on the situation.
Make sure that you receive your refund before you agree or disagree with the mutual cancellation. The seller will probably ask for a mutual cancellation so that they can get their fees back from ebay. You have to agree in order for this happen though. So if you are really sure that this was not an honest mistake, you can disagree with the cancellaiton which would mean the seller still had to pay their fees for that sale. If you don't reply to the cancellation, the seller will get their fees back after 7 days.
Would you mind giving the item number?
08-03-2013 09:17 PM
If the seller offers to cancel the transaction, so they can get their final value fees back, I am not sure you can leave feedback, as transaction is null and void. I had a purchase a little while back which was a great deal, but item apparently got lost in the postal chain. Got full refund, but was a little suspicious about it. Moved on, though, and found similar item, slightly better in fact for a decent price. I agree that a seller should honour their sales. If they want a higher price, dont start it too cheap, as there is a danger on it selling way below what you want for it.
08-04-2013 02:07 AM
I am not sure you can leave feedback, as transaction is null and void
You can leave feedback after a mutual cancellation. You can't leave it after an unpaid item claim has closed.
08-04-2013 08:27 AM
The way FB can be left seems to be changing all the time.
I can leave FB for items I didn't pay for now, but in the past I wasn't able to do that.
Maybe this is eBay's way of nudging sellers into plugging in a shipping cost?
They used to announce every little change, but now it's left to us to discover the changes.
08-04-2013 01:18 PM
I have the similar problem. I bid and won 8 yards of the seersucker fabric and paid for it immediately after I won. A few hours later the seller was telling me that she regretted making an error, saying that she didn't reduce the number of yardage of fabrics after the 4 yards were sold and it is 4 yards now not 8.Â
I said nothing and went to bed, my mind usually don't "sleep" for a few hours while I sleep and it came to me that this seller is not honest and I got up and checked it and found that she didn't sell 4 yards or whatever for months and months as I kept coming back to this fabric for months and months and even made best offers which she rejected until yesterday. I even checked the "didn't win" account and found this item and she didn't sell anything. I suspect that she wants to cancel the transaction because of what she offered me for the shipping which is way too low for 8 yards and she didn't want to pay the difference. She could have been honest and says so.
I am upset as I want this fabric but not sure what to do, whether should I leave her a negative feedback?
08-04-2013 01:37 PM
That is a tough one. You might want to message seller, and tell them that you purchased this expecting the full 8 yards of fabric. This is what the listing states. While you cant force them to send you the full amount, you could try and negotiate a better price because of the smaller quantity. That, I think, should be your best option. I am not sure how else to proceed, especially since you really want the fabric. Cancelling the transaction does nothing for you. If seller does cut the price, it might be worth it to at least get some of it.
08-04-2013 04:16 PM
The nastiest thing you could do would be to ask for a Mutual Cancellation and then deny it. That means she can't get her selling fee back and you can leave appropriate feedback.
But if you have been looking at the fabric for months and making (unacceptable) offers, she may have decided that you are going to be a problem customer and her story was the most graceful way out of the mess.
Perhaps she doesn't know how to use a Blocked Bidder List.
Move on. A transaction requires a willing seller and a willing buyer. This seller is not willing.
08-06-2013 11:47 PM