buyer bid on item and now would like a BIN price. How to I change it for them?

Buyer put a bid on my item and now is asking if I can change it back to the buy it now so they can purchase it more quickly. Can I do this?

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Welll, technically you could.... But..... Most bids arriv...

Welll, technically you could....


Most bids arrive in the last few moments of the auction. Ending the auction now means that you miss those (possibly higher ) bids.

Since it is unlikely that your auction is more than seven days, I'd take a chance and politely tell your bidder that you would prefer to let the auction run its course. You could even offer to cancel his bid so that he can look for a Buy It Now item.

Takes a bit of nerve, eh?

But new sellers get these bullies all the time. Usually they know that the item is underpriced and that bidding will be fairly strong on it. Have you reviewed the selling prices of similar items?

And they are not grateful if you go along with their offer. Next comes the demand for reduced or free shipping. And complaints about slow shipping (a big problem with cross-border shipping). Bottom feeders and bullies.

You should also be aware that when your item sells, the payment will be Held by Paypal for 21 days against your good performance.


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