Nor can you bid on a friend's auction to "help " him out. That is the other side of shill bidding.
Most bids arrive in the last few moments of an auction. If you have already have early bids, you should be fine.
If you are concerned and have no bids, you can Revise your auction to raise the opening bid to an acceptable level.
But since you don't seem to have any listings at the moment, follow rkkym's advice and set your opening bid at your lowest acceptable price. Save yourself a lot of heartache.
As a new seller you should also be aware that eBay and Paypal will hold your buyer's payment (in escrow, sort of) for 21 days against your good performance. Nevertheless, you are required to ship within 7 days of cleared payment to keep your Seller Protection -- and of course a happy buyer.
That's cleared to PP, not to you.