Actually , its not that I can't speak french .. I can ....
Its that I'm not allowed to get served in my language in my country ( its not like I'm trying to talk Swahili or something!!) ..
When I walk in to a store like Walmart (American owned by the way) it bugs me to ask an associate a question and they roll their eyes at me because I asked in english , then they respond in french !! How rude !! And if it wasn't for the english language ( the U.S. is english) they wouldn't even have a job !!
I have been the manager of a Canadian Tire here and have had a few small businesses f my own and have always done my best to accomodate a customer in his or her language ... You can go to Vermont and there are french signs everywhere , why ?? Because they have a huge french population ? ( lkucky if they have 10) NO !! its because they want to attract business !!
I have heard Americans say often that they would come here more often if they didn't feel so intrusive ! The french language only law does nothing for tourism !
And , by biggest rant is Hospital service . When I've passed a grinder through my kneecap and blood is ooozing out everywhere , the last thing my mind is thinking of doing is trying to comprehend french or have any patience for ome who won't help me in my language ! And no english signs in a hospital even !?!?! Geeez !!
I don't hate french people , I just hate the ones who can argue that any of this is right ! I know lots of french people who can't get over it themselves ... who have lost big money because of the stupid neverending situation we are in and like me , are comfortable living with both languages ..
Its just when something is forced upon me that I become rebelious and want to defend my side , it they would just drop it , the economy would return , the mood in Canada would improve immensly and we could deal with issues of actual importance !

(click on this siggie to go to my ME page , where you will find a link to all the recipes posted recently on CTS)