Hi mtfman/catalystpainball,
I just wanted to make sure you knew about all the criteria required to have your items displayed on eBay Express. I have included them below for your reference. If you meet all of these criteria and still do not see your listings on eBay Express, please let me know.
Seller Criteria
-Maintain a feedback score of 100 or more, 98% positive or better
-Maintain a public feedback profile (e.g., no private feedback)
-Support your listings with a PayPal Premier or PayPal Business account
-Ensure your PayPal account settings are set to ship to unconfirmed addresses or make sale-by-sale decisions (“Ask me for unconfirmed addresses”)
-Be registered as a US or CA seller
Listing Criteria
-List on eBay.com
-List in Fixed Price or Store Inventory format
-Fill in the item condition field (i.e. New, Used, Refurbished) in Item Specifics. (some categories exempted)
-Use Pre-Filled Item Information for listings within Books, DVDs & Movies, Music, & Video Games.
-Include shipping costs (flat, calculated or free) in the shipping fields
-Provide a picture or gallery
-Use eBay checkout or the new checkout integration API (for 3rd party order processing)
-Items must be located in the US