eBay Global shipping program?

Anybody else get invited to this?

They deal with all customs forms, etc by shipping to a US address?  Feedback is protected from low ratings etc?

What the heck are they talking about?


I said yes, and now they are going to revise all my listings.  I don't understand this nebulous program.  Can anybody sum it up gracefully?

Thank you!

There is no reasoning with the unreasonable.
Message 1 of 322
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321 REPLIES 321

Re: eBay Global shipping program?

Not applicable

To Pierre, what I mean is that if you are a US seller, would you opt into this insane GSP?  Having your Canadian and International bidders/buyers to pay the hefty priority shipping fees plus the so-called import charges for a wee tiny piece like a stamp??  I think not!  You would be screaming bloody murder, that is for sure.


It has nothing to do under $100.00.  It has to do with everything regardless of how much the item cost, we prefer to take the risks at custom border which we fully knew we would never be dinged for the import charges at any time, so why the heck should we have to pay the so-called import charges on eBay.  That is what I am calling it an insane bogus scam on part of eBay for getting more $$$ that way and also at the same time with GSP, the shipping costs are way high like insane which make eBay happy because they get more higher final value fees on the shipping costs. 


Pierre, if you don't understand how we feel, then leave us alone and let us vent and rave.  Unless you are in US sellers, then you will knew but you are taking the easy way out being a Canadian seller and has nothing to do with GSP.  It seems to me that you are almost always opposite of many of us.  Thanks for letting me vent here.

Message 281 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

"what I mean is that if you are a US seller, would you opt into this insane GSP?"


No, as stated above, I would not.  Not because it is "insane" or "bogus" or "scam" as it is not.  The program would be of no interest to me since I know and understand how to export goods out of the country.


"if you don't understand how we feel,"..."It seems to me that you are almost always opposite of many of us"


I do not know who "we" is.  If you take the time to read every post in this thread and the many other threads on the subject, you will find that I am not a favour of the program as it applies to most Canadian buyers. Even the staff at eBay.ca acknowledged GSP is not suitable for Canadian buyers in most low value transactions.


However, unwarranted claims by some posters that the program is "bogus", "insane", "scam", "illegal", "higher fees collected by eBay" etc... take away much of the credibility from these "vent and rave" posts.


Claims such as "make eBay happy because they get more higher final value fees on the shipping costs " ignore reality.  Think about it: eBay collects FVF based on domestic shipping charge, NOT the international shipping charge. About half the transactions have no domestic shipping charge (so-called "free shipping" - shipping included in selling price - domestically).


Generally, I am in favour of these "vent and rave" posts.  There are good. Everyone needs to let some steam out from time to time.  However, it works best when based on reality, on facts.


The reality with the GSP is simple and not unique.  Hundreds of large American exporters (LL Bean for example) use it: collection of Canadian consumer taxes (GST/HST/PST) at time of payment allowing for pre-clearance at Canada Customs, resulting in fewer delays. That is the good side.  On the other hand, since officers for Canada Customs often let goods enter Canada through the postal system without taxes being charged and collected, Canadian buyers end up paying more than they would if the taxes had not been collected.


The problem would not exist if the folks at Canada Customs did their job properly and collected the appropriate amount of taxes on every parcel entering Canada with a value of $20 or more. Sometimes, I wish they did. And none of that has to do with eBay.

Message 282 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

The problem would not exist if the folks at Canada Customs did their job properly and collected the appropriate amount of taxes on every parcel entering Canada with a value of $20 or more. Sometimes, I wish they did. And none of that has to do with eBay.


Even better, thinking as a buyer/importer, would be raising the bar so that shipped parcels are free of duty/sales tax if they are under $200, which I understand is the situation for cross-border shoppers.


Of course as a seller, I wouldn't like this very much. Woman Very Happy



Message 283 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

"...would be raising the bar so that shipped parcels are free of duty/sales tax if they are under $200,"


Whenever the federal government visits this issue, they face huge opposition from the Canadian retail industry and its millions of employees across Canada.


While the avoidance of taxes (GST/HST/PST) would make it attractive for Canadian buyers to purchase from Americans, it would result in matching lower sales by Canadian retailers leading to massive lay-offs of low-paying retail jobs.


On the other hand, since governments (federal and provincial) are running annual deficits, the millions of tax dollars not collected from Canadian consumers on imported goods would have to be replaced by other tax revenues coming from Canadian taxpayers.



Message 284 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

Not applicable

I saw something that I really want to buy and contacted US seller with GSP if he would opt out of GSP.  He was so puzzled as to what is  GSP!!  I noticed that not all of his listings has GSP.  Apparently eBay must have sneaked GSP into some of his listings without his permission.  I have some US sellers telling me that they didn't opt into GSP in the first place.  ]


So how the heck did GSP get into GSP without them opt in GSP?  Something fishy with eBay.  So Pierre don't tell us it is not eBay!


You have to admit that some of us are right when we think it is a scam on part of eBay, etc. 


We rather take risks at the Canada Border not eBay to decide for us.  Thanks.

Message 285 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

"Apparently eBay must have sneaked GSP into some of his listings without his permission. "


I do not believe that for a second. There are plenty of problems on eBay without creating new ones.

Message 286 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

@Anonymous wrote:

I saw something that I really want to buy and contacted US seller with GSP if he would opt out of GSP.  He was so puzzled as to what is  GSP!!  I noticed that not all of his listings has GSP.  Apparently eBay must have sneaked GSP into some of his listings without his permission.  I have some US sellers telling me that they didn't opt into GSP in the first place.



Other sellers are reporting the same problem, random GSP listings.

With the seller mentioned below, I checked the completed listings.

One {#390638535301} gives the normal indication that the GSP is used,  "Customs services and international tracking provided".

Yet when the listing is opened it shows "USPS Priority Mail Express International", no mention of the GSP.






Message 287 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

I just emailed a seller who has an item listed via the GSP and asked if she'd ship the normal way.


She carefully explained to me that she would be delighted to do so.

She told me that after I bought the item I would be offered a choice to funnel it through the GSP or not:  Up to me according to her.


That's not the first time a seller told me that..........


After all this time they still don't have a clue.

Message 288 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

Not applicable

To Pierre, I am truly sorry you don't belive me.  It is happening way alot to many US sellers.  I can count on 2 hands and I probably will need another hand.  Sorry but it is true.  Need to wake up and accept that it is a fact. 

Message 289 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

chimera, You're really good at finding odd stuff like that. Have you been passing on some of the ones that you've found to Kalvin at ebay?

Message 290 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

Hmmm...didn't mean to post this...oops

Message 291 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

"To Pierre, I am truly sorry you don't belive me. "


Please read my message again.  I did not state I did not believe you.  I simply question the conclusion you reached based on assumptions.

Message 292 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

I think this is mere semantics -- if the issue is beginning to be reported by some sellers, it is probably a reality.  


However, I'm not sure one can conclude that eBay is somehow "sneaking" the GSP into listings.  There could be another explanation that has more to do with the technicalities of the way the programme is set up.  If that is the case, it obviously needs to be addressed -- fast.  


I have so far avoided GSP listings like the plague.  I hope this ill-conceived experiment is abandoned soon by eBay.   It seems to me there really would be very few who benefit from it.  I can only hope that word is getting around amongst US sellers. 

Message 293 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

I did some research into this and found that this $10.99 is charged by Canada Post on ALL processing for mail delivery

on eBay purchases Smiley Frustrated

I will no longer buy anything from sellers that have the Global Ripping, I mean Shipping, service set up.

Message 294 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

"I did some research into this and found that this $10.99 is charged by Canada Post on ALL processing for mail delivery

on eBay purchases"




In addition to taxes and duty (if applicable) Canada Post charges a flat $9.95 on all parcels cleared through Canada Customs for which taxes and/or duty have to be collected.  It has nothing to do with eBay or anyone else selling online.


For more factual information, please check the official government website:



"Global Ripping, I mean Shipping,"


is something entirely different and has nothing to do with the $9.95 service charge (administration, brokerage) charged by Canada Post.

Message 295 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

To avoid any confusion or misunderstanding, I should add that Canada Post does NOT charge $9.95 service charge for items sent by American sellers through GSP (Global Shipping Program).


The service charge is included with duty and taxes in "import charges" paid to Pitney Bowes

Message 296 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

      I am in Canada and have bought a lot of items on ebay from the States and all over the world.Of the items I have bought from the  States I would say 1 in 100 items gets checked by customs.Where is this money going .How great of them to help Canada Customs retrieve money.

I for one will not purchase any thing with this ridiculous fee.

Message 297 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?


We noticed several of our listings suddenly had "ships globally" when they never had it before!  First saw this on my mobile eBay - and had to check  all listings and found it on several others. Very surprising and upsetting because we do not want to ship globally.   Thanks.

Message 298 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

NO, using the global shipping program is a very bad idea! Ebay claims it's a way to ensure that the package arrives safely to Canada. But all it does is force the Canadian purchaser to pay tax and duty on an item that is normally waved by the Canadian customs service because they can no longer handle the volume! It also redirects the buyers package to a site in Kentucky where it is then redirected to the person's home address in Canada. It just causes a huge mailing delay! Also, if the seller tries to save money by keeping the service's charges on shipping and then deciding to mail the product out on his own it will cause an even bigger delay if not a loss of the product being mailed since their is no longer a tracking number on the item being sent to the alternate site! For example, I purchased an item for 3.49 and my charge was $15.49 for the global program International Priority Shipping to Canada. The seller saved money by putting on a couple of stamps and then unwitting sent it to the address in Kentucky instead of my own since that is what Paypal uses as my mailing address when you the seller uses the program. After a month I received the letter with my item inside with the Kentucky address on it and my correct address written over top by one of the workers from the Kentucky address. This is my first bad experience with the global shipping program and eBay. FROM NOW ON I WILL NOT BID OR PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM ANYONE USING THE NEW EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM!!! LET THAT BE A WARNING TO ALL YOU USA SELLERS OUT THEIR. AVOID USING IT AT ALL COSTS! IT JUST CAUSES CONFUSION AND DELAYS. I personally believe that eBay made some sort of deal with Canada customs and is getting a cut of the profits generated from the tax and duty charge and that is why they are promoting it and using the ruse that it is a safer way to guarantee the items arrival when it actually potentially has the ability to do the exact opposite! I have never had a problem receiving an item from the USA. All items that are small packages are traced regardless of the method of delivery that is shipped except letter mail. The only difference is that the seller has the choice of not paying the additional cost for insuring it.
Message 299 of 322
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Re: eBay Global shipping program?

I am a Canadian buyer. This Global Shipping program seems to be designed to destroy international transactions, and there is no way for the US seller to create an eBay invoice that includes regular shipping. Even if the US seller wants to ship by USPS First Class International or even Priority, he can't. Not to mention how many US seller that clearly state they don't ship out of the US but have this program attached to their listings. There are several US sellers that used to ship to Canada that now don't because they were saddled with this Global Shipping program!


The only way around it for US sellers that are willng to ship to Canada by USPS is if you buy multiple items (more than one) from the same seller. You can then request a total which will allow them to customize an invoice to you. The only by-pass for a single item is to convince the US seller to invoice you via PayPal for the auction and shipping. After you pay via PayPal, you mark the auction as "payment sent" then the seller must mark the auction as payment received (to prevent any unpaid item case opening.)


This Global Shipping program is a cash grab by someone. I bought 2 small items that totalled $32.00, First Class would've cost $6-$8.00. Global Shipping wanted me to sent $42.00 to Pitney Bowes for shipping and import charges! Luckily the buyer invoiced me through PayPal. I got stuck on an auction over the weekend. Purchased an item for $17.00 and ended up paying $51 for the item, shipping and "import charges." No mas. I'm done with international buying until they get rid of this horrid program.

Message 300 of 322
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