eBay address is different from PayPal address

I  (the seller) am in Canada & the buyer is in Canada.

The eBay address is different from his PayPal address and he is insisting I send to the PAyPAl address.

As far as I know (and common sense) I am only supposed to ship to the eBay address, so do I just cancel the transaction. IF so, how do I do this to protect myself from feedback, etc. I have never come across this in 10 years.

I did search the eBay help and I can not find anything related to policy or procedure on this. I must not be looking right.

any help would be appreciated.

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eBay address is different from PayPal address

I thought you had to use the PayPal address.

Message 2 of 6
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eBay address is different from PayPal address

He's right , you're wrong.


Ship to the Paypal address.


A Paypal user can have a dozen different PP addresses registered. Sounds weird, but PP calls these 'gift' addresses and they are set up to allow the user to buy something and have it sent directly to Aunt Mary and Uncle Theo for their 37th anniversary.  Or whatever.


If you have been hassling the customer, apologize and give him the tracking number of the parcel.

Message 3 of 6
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eBay address is different from PayPal address

Yes, do as femmefan says. Ship to the PayPal address always. That is the address that the buyer has selected for shipping. I have at least 3 different addresses in PayPal that I can select when I buy items that are shipped directly to my children or to me at my summer home.

Message 4 of 6
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eBay address is different from PayPal address

Send to the PP address, that is the one that is "Seller Protection". Buyer is right.

Message 5 of 6
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eBay address is different from PayPal address

Send to the Paypal address.
You could also mention this to the seller cause suppose he/she had moved and forgot to change their address on Ebay?? Sometimes that happens. You change Paypal but don't think about Ebay till someone asks. (Happened to me when I moved from Ont to BC.... I forgot to change my Ebay address till a seller kindly pointed it out) 

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