pjcdn2005 ,
Regardless of which site I list on, my item will still be shown as being in Canada. If I did happen to list on .com, how would they even know or would they even notice?
Your "item location" tells them that you're in Canada.
And, as power_batteries pointed out, people that use advanced search to screen their sellers will be eliminating you through their preferences.
What do you mean by advertise?
All of your listings are advertisements, no matter what form they take.
I want to register on ebay.com and can get a US address but what about Credit card. you have to provide that and does the address need to match ?
ebay.com will tell you that you have to have a US credit card, but that's BS.
You can still BE a Canadian seller registered on .ca but have your store on .com. You just use your existing credit card for that.
To move your store, you'll have to close your .ca store and then go to .com and reopen it there.
CAUTION - you will have to REDO ALL your listings to conform to .com categories and regulations. The store framework remains the same (ebay saves that for 30 days), but the listings have to change.
"The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority."
- Ralph W. Sockman
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan