My settings are such that buyers should receive an automated email message advising them that their item has shipped. A great tool as it should reduce the number of messages from buyers looking for their items.
Here is where the problem begins... buyers a not getting these emails and it is causing an enormous amount of emails from buyers looking for their items that I then have to respond to. 5 to 10 a day are sent saying things like "did you even ship my item" "If you don't ship my item I will give you negative feedback".
I’ve been by eBay support that I should get the buyer to contact their ISP to white-list eBay emails addresses. This response is UNACCEPTABLE as it is reactive and therefore useless because it doesn’t address the same problem I will have with the next buyer and every buyer after them.
Every time I communicate this problem to somebody at eBay I am told that it is the first time they are hearing of this issue. I find it hard to believe that I am the only one experiencing that problem.
Please let me know if you have experienced the same problem and what can be done about it.