hey I'm a Power seller now?

Hello, Just logged on and see I am a Power seller now! I thought we had the option to join or not?

You peeps know what the limit of sales that can be reached before eBay sends info to Rev Can?

Message 1 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

It does not matter if you are a PowerSeller or not for eBay to send the financial information to CRA. The rules were changed last year and CRA request for information covers ALL sellers, not just PowerSellers.

In any case, all sellers who purchase goods for resale are expected to declare their net profit from online sales (eBay and others) as business income on their annual tax return. With over 100 sales transactions in the last 12 months, it is fair to assume CRA would consider your operations a "business'.
Message 2 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

You peeps know what the limit of sales that can be reached before eBay sends info to Rev Can?

Do you have a PayPal account?
Do you have a bank account connected to your PayPal account?
Do you have a credit card?
Do you have a credit card connected to your PayPal account?
Do you withdraw money from your PayPal to your bank account?

CRA can find out anything they are interested in. They can wait for eBay to put your name on a long list that they probably don't pay much attention to or you could be randomly selected for a "closer look" or a full audit at which point your paper trail would reveal everything they need to know.

To be safe I recommend false id and accept cash only!

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 3 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Ok thanks. What is the rule for 2009? Same as 06,07,08 with anything over $20,000 eBay sends to the Feds?

Message 4 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Same as it was in 1999.

Declare your earnings and deduct your costs. If you have to pay taxes you have a profitable business so smile!
Message 5 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

"What is the rule for 2009?"

The rules have not changed substantially in 70 years.

Worldwide business income must be reported, regardless of amount, regardless of source.

In the USA, starting in January, PayPal is now required by law to report to the IRS any user receiving either
more than 100 transactions a year (2 per week on average)
or $20,000

In Canada, eBay lost in its attempt not to provide finantial information on PowerSellers as requested by CRA. The following and susbequent years, CRA came back for information for active sellers, regardless of PowerSeller status. CRA is also known to get information from other sources to estimate revenues from home based businesses.

Facing a 50 billion dollar deficit, the federal government is trying to find tax money wherever it is due.
Message 6 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Facing a 50 billion dollar deficit, the federal government is trying to find tax money wherever it is due.

Off topic, but there was a study somewhere proving that with heavy taxing and increasing there is a point when increasing taxes beyond that point actually decreases the revenues.

I wonder where is this 50 billion deficit from. Oh I see ... the 1 billion G8/G20 summit. I am very much wondering what are we buying here because so far these summits brought zero value. The price tag on this year summit is so outrageus it screams "f*** y***** taxpayers".
Message 7 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Why are you so resistant to claiming your income?

Just do it!

I have been claiming ebay earnings on my income tax since 2000, I have a clear conscience, and have no problem if they want to look at my books.

But not to, is just asking for trouble, they may not find out today or tomorrow but the government has a very long arm and they do not abide by the 7 year rule like we have to.

Make the right decision, there are many benefits in doing so, GOOD LUCK 🙂
Message 8 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Good advice all, thanks.
Message 9 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

I am very much wondering what are we buying here

Wages for 1100 security guards and 12000 cops from various jurisdictions.
Wages for the guys who built the fences.
Payment to the guys who supplied the fences.
Hotel rooms at full pop (or at least at government rate) before tourist season starts in earnest for the attendees and their staff.
Hotel rooms, food and sundries for the protestors.
Catering - food, beverages, wait staff, kitchen staff.
Wages for the guys to remove the fences.
Draining the lake.

Some useful infrastructure projects including a new hockey rink in a cabinet minister's riding.

A great deal of annoyance to downtown Toronto workers and residents, who don't vote for Harper's gang anyway. And the 905 who do vote for Harper, don't like the urbanites .

The off chance that Barack Obama will do a walkabout at Ontario Place.
Message 10 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

femmefan1946, what I asked was why do we need this summit, what is it's value for us and what will come out of it. Because from where I stand it looks like a party for the elites and we just get the bill.
Message 11 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Community Member
Well after hmm 2.5 years here I am back a powerseller. Believe its more "top seller" which came as a surprise to me since my sales are way down since closing my Ebay store. When I got sick 3 years ago I discovered there are far more important things then keeping up eBay sales, worrying about positives, negatives, or neutrals. It was time for a slower pace and remembering there is life outside of eBay. Being told you have an incurable disease at 41 does that. So over the last 3 years I have learned to stop and smell the roses. Family and friends are more important. My husband and I have made more then a few changes in our life. We sold our massive 3 level house in the country and built a new house in a tiny town. Spend far more time with friends and family and working on our house and yard. Ebay now only takes up 15-20 hours per week of my life. And Judy I still have the lovely bracelets I bought from you 3 years ago. LOL

Message 12 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?


I agree, but I really doubt that President Sarkozy is going to be erecting and dismantling those fences himself.

Money spent on the things I mention goes into the local economy.

It all seems too Keynesian for the Harperites, and of course the losses to small local businesses will also be astronomical.

Were the Olympics a net benefit for British Columbia? for Vancouver businesses? How about for particular businesses ?
Message 13 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Well after hmm 2.5 years here I am back a powerseller. Believe its more "top seller" which came as a surprise to me since my sales are way down since closing my Ebay store. When I got sick 3 years ago I discovered there are far more important things then keeping up eBay sales, worrying about positives, negatives, or neutrals. It was time for a slower pace and remembering there is life outside of eBay. Being told you have an incurable disease at 41 does that. So over the last 3 years I have learned to stop and smell the roses. Family and friends are more important. My husband and I have made more then a few changes in our life. We sold our massive 3 level house in the country and built a new house in a tiny town. Spend far more time with friends and family and working on our house and yard. Ebay now only takes up 15-20 hours per week of my life. And Judy I still have the lovely bracelets I bought from you 3 years ago. LOL


Welcome back Pat! It's great to hear from you. I have often wondered how things were going with you but did not want to intrude. And thanks for the reminder that there are more important things in life than eBay. I learned that lesson 12 years ago when I had cancer but life's little worries have a way of creeping back in on you. I think it's time to re-evaluate how much time I spend on eBay as opposed to the time I would like to spend with my family.

Take care!

Message 14 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Community Member
Thank you Judy. As you can tell I spend far less time online. LOL Hubby is working out West this week though and I'm bored.
Ahh it was a major relief when I found out what was wrong with me. Still in remission (sounds so bad and I hate the term) I have a few little set backs but bounce back in less then a week. Working my flower gardens seems to ease many of the symptoms of my MS. Hubby also bought a hot tub and boy does that help with the aches and pains. I would never have dreamed MS would be so painful!.
When my Mom passed away in '03 I re-evaluated just how much time I wanted to spend on Ebay. Even though I canceled listings, and many buyers were understanding I still had a few that were nasty. Geez. Dealing with one buyer now. Not letting it stress me out but he is really really ticking me off. I escalated his claim though. Had enough of his garbage. Nothing like getting a negative without an email though. And I told him the proper thing to do would have been to send me an email, not post a negative and file a claim. LOL Only on Ebay
Message 15 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Community Member
Thank you Judy. As you can tell I spend far less time online. LOL Hubby is working out West this week though and I'm bored.
Ahh it was a major relief when I found out what was wrong with me. Still in remission (sounds so bad and I hate the term) I have a few little set backs but bounce back in less then a week. Working my flower gardens seems to ease many of the symptoms of my MS. Hubby also bought a hot tub and boy does that help with the aches and pains. I would never have dreamed MS would be so painful!.
When my Mom passed away in '03 I re-evaluated just how much time I wanted to spend on Ebay. Even though I canceled listings, and many buyers were understanding I still had a few that were nasty. Geez. Dealing with one buyer now. Not letting it stress me out but he is really really ticking me off. I escalated his claim though. Had enough of his garbage. Nothing like getting a negative without an email though. And I told him the proper thing to do would have been to send me an email, not post a negative and file a claim. LOL Only on Ebay
Message 16 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

I was on another site and in the course of a discussion about air conditioning a couple of MS patients pointed out that their symptoms were greatly helped by having the right ambient temprature.

You probably already know this.
Message 17 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Community Member
I was on another site and in the course of a discussion about air conditioning a couple of MS patients pointed out that their symptoms were greatly helped by having the right ambient temprature.

You probably already know this.

I know that all too well LOL
Heat and high humidity makes breathing difficult for me. We have central A/C. It has helped the Manitoba has been quite cool. Its mainly the endless pain that controls my life. The hot tub helps oodles (ran at a lower temp like 95 or so) and relaxing hobbies like gardening. I'm only in the 3rd yr of knowing I have had MS so its a learning experience. I do know a stress free life is a must. This I know from having to add a 3rd medication to my life LOL One to help with the day to day stresses of my life. I take on average $2K of medications a month....thank goodness for my husband's medical!
Message 18 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

Did I read somewhere that one of the changes in September is that we have to get rid of any powerseller logos that may show in our listings?
And if so, why? Are they getting rid of the Powerseller status?

Message 19 of 35
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Re: hey I'm a Power seller now?

It has disappeared on dotcom.

I had some as gifs on some very old listings from the last time I made PS, and they were not ever removed, nor did eBay ever ask me to remove them.

I won't worry until eBay tells me to do something or until I am rewriting and updating a listing.
Message 20 of 35
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