10-17-2013 01:27 PM
I am a top rated power seller who is getting NO orders because my first item appears on page 31 but some others are on page 1 all the time. If I can't sell why do I bother having a store. I have been a member since 2005 and a seller since 2008, My first item is on a page full of seat covers. Please explain how "feelinfroggy765" can be on the first page for well over a month and I get my first item on page 31 to 37
10-18-2013 03:07 PM
Most of your listings are for seat covers; most of feelinfroggy765's listings are for iPod covers.
From searching on Google, any mention of "cover" in the search field returns dozens of websites in the first half-dozen search results pages that mention iPod covers.
Currently, it seems that Google is optimized to return "iPod cover" results for "cover" searches. e-Bay probably has their search algorithms optimized, as closely as possible, to return the same types of results, in the same relevance or priority order, that someone would get from doing a general search on Google using the term "cover."
I hope that this helps.
10-18-2013 09:41 PM
Where your items appear depends on how they are searched and which order they are sorted in.
10-18-2013 10:12 PM
Which Search are you using?
Sofa Covers?
Seat Covers?
Chair Covers?
Best Match?
Highest Price +Shipping First?
Lowest Price First?
Red covers?
Nylon covers?
Cover album CD The Nylons?
Are you on page 31 for every one of these?
What keywords are you using in your titles?
Are you offering Free Shipping (which means Shipping is included in Asking Price)?
Are you offering 14 Day Returns?
Are you offering one day handling?
What are your 3 month DSRs like?
All of these will make a difference.
Hmm- have you looked at what your listings are like on a mobile device? That can be a shocker! Our title layouts often need to be greatly modified for this growing part of sales.
10-18-2013 10:17 PM
Pair Padded seatbelt covers of Sponge Bob with name added
Try changing this to "SEATBELT COVER sponge bob 2 padded pair custom name". Grammar is unimportant, you want the key words. And if people have common misspellings, put that in the title along with the correct spelling.
For example, I sell fantasy paperbacks on another ID. I always identify "JRR Tolkein Tolkien " because many are vague on which is correct.