I didn't see anything listed under this ID so I'm assuming you have another account in which you are using to sell.
Please be aware that it is vitally important that you know ebay policies before you sell. Inexperienced sellers are the prime target of scammers. These scammers rely on the inexperienced seller's lack of ebay knowledge which makes it easier for the scammer to conduct their scams.
It is important to know what are the acceptable payment methods and to know the various scams. Ebay has scam warnings in all their emails and in Customer Support.
Since I did not see any lisings for you, I will assume you had Buy It Now, Best Offer listing (you should not take offers if it was an auction listing). The buyer uses the Pay Now button to make payment. Once the payment is shown as cleared or complete in paypal, you ship the item.
If you do not get paid 4 days from end of the sale, you file an unpaid item dispute.
You really should have been reading all the selling policies in Customer Support before you listed anything because there are so many variables to selling and not knowing what you are doing on ebay can be costly.
Non payers should get unpaid item strikes and be added to block bidders lists. Period.