how do you way an object on ebay

Community Member

i want to know if the object way a lot shipping will be a lot of money please


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Re: how do you way an object on ebay

Hi .. Purchasing.. if listing does not state shipping cost to Canada then you use ask a question under seller info in listing  to ask seller for a firm shipping quote.


Does seller ship to Canada..listing..seller info..ships to.


Selling ..need a scale to measure.

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Re: how do you way an object on ebay

PS .. i'm sure you meant weigh not" my way."

Message 3 of 6
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Re: how do you way an object on ebay

Canadian Tire often has the Starfrit digital scale on sale for $10 or less. It is a bargain even at regular price.

If the item weighs over 5 kilos, you may have to take it to the PO or to a UPS outlet (with packaging) for their heavier duty scales.


Please note that eBay (or any mail order business) will do best with high value + low weight items. Very heavy items are best sold locally, for cash, through Kijiji or Craigslist.

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Re: how do you way an object on ebay

If you are selling,along with a metric postal scale you will need a metric measuring tape to measure the size of the package.
Message 5 of 6
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Re: how do you way an object on ebay

You don't weigh it on ebay, you weigh it on a scale.:^O

Once you've got your scale and tape measure, you can find out exactly what it will cost by going here:


If you do not have metric measures - which will give you a more accurate sum from the postal site - then use what you have and make your conversions here:

But if you plan to sell much, you'll need the basic metric equipment, -- sure to make life easier.


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