07-04-2012 10:30 AM
somebody can tell me if the rotors i'm buying have 6 holes for the bolt in my pontiac montana 2007 sv6 i will apreciate. thk
Solved! Go to Solution.
07-04-2012 11:06 AM
This is a member-to-member Q&A board where folks like yourself share thoughts and experiences about ebay. No one can tell you for certain if a listing your are looking at will suit your needs.
On every listing, at the top right is the seller information where you will find the phrase Ask a question. The seller of each item is the best person to assist you with a query. Most sellers will be happy to answer questions and provide details because they want you to be happy with your purchase, - and they don't want the item back.
So ask a few of the sellers, - they may be busy at the moment but they should get back to you in a day or two.
07-04-2012 11:06 AM
This is a member-to-member Q&A board where folks like yourself share thoughts and experiences about ebay. No one can tell you for certain if a listing your are looking at will suit your needs.
On every listing, at the top right is the seller information where you will find the phrase Ask a question. The seller of each item is the best person to assist you with a query. Most sellers will be happy to answer questions and provide details because they want you to be happy with your purchase, - and they don't want the item back.
So ask a few of the sellers, - they may be busy at the moment but they should get back to you in a day or two.
07-04-2012 11:44 AM