new ebay rates

Community Member
Hi all ok whats with the large increase in the ebay rates?
wow they are really going for a big one this time

I would like to know how other people feel about this and if anyone from ebay can inform us to why the large increase in fees???

they are all in effect feb 18,2005


Message 1 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
Its very interesting, I'm not to happy about the Featured Plus! Listings going from C$5.00 to a whooping C$25.95. The Final Value Fee has increased from 5.25% to 8%.

I'm not that upset but hey I think with these fees eBay should consider to freeze it for a few years then worry about increasing it later. Its important because if eBay considers one day taking 25% of our Final Value Fee its going to really hurt them.
Message 2 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
Gouging, gouging, gouging!!!!

When some of the listing fees are going up from $0.05 to $0.30 (BIN) I would like to know the reason as well except for making huge profits for the shareholders at our expense. The increases are to NO COST items. In other words no additional cost or service is being provided by eBay that they would have to recover through such an increase.

This coupled with Canada Post's increases starting next week is having me re-think my long term business plans once again.

This last Christmas, with eBay's increase over last year in fees, the declining Canadian dollar and CP's 2004 rate increase, I had to sell about 30% more product to reach the same sales total while realizing about 35% less profit.

It appears that I am now working for eBay, PayPal and Canada Post who are each getting the greatest return from my labour.

Message 3 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
Crazy crazy crazy.... Featured plus listings going to 25.95???? just outrageous. I am guessing they are catching on with people using these feature to circumvent paying the .com rates of 19.95. Just crazy.. thats all I can say....

Ebay making so much money every year already... I guess sky is the limit for them...

very disappointing...X-(
Message 4 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
These increases are way too much. I will be looking for new avenues to sell through.
Message 5 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
B & M auctioneers charge +/- a 15% "buyers premium" on the hammer price. (Said only half in jest).......perhaps there will be a time where eBay sellers will have to do the same to recover some of their outlay. The fee increases make it almost a joke to consider taking items on consignment, unless eBay fees are charged on top of the commission rate. Like many others, I still have folks asking me to sell their $5 and $10 junk for them on eBay, and looking outraged when I say, "Sure, provided I can select what I want to sell, and I can group the stuff into $50 minimum lots". Then I quote them a $10 per lot up front "research and professional services fee", quote them 35% of the hammer as a commission, and advise them they get the rest when I'm paid, less the eBay fees. Sort of fun, watching them turn purple. Of course, they could just pay me $65 per hour straight time (still far less than what they pay to have their car repaired - $80+ per hour + parts + shop supplies).....that doesn't happen either! >>>>>>>>. Michael
Message 6 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
I am going to start diverting most of my business away from eBay as well. I think this time they have hit the breaking point.

All of this coupled with the difficulty in recovering fees charged from NPBs and even at that, not getting your all our listing fees back, well the time has come to explore other mediums to move product at less cost.

My problem was and remians that they are doing less to assist me in selling yet charging me increased rates at the front end, not caring whether I sell or not.


Message 7 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

The increases to FVFs are only for Store listings from my interpretation of the e-mail I received. This makes my decision of whether or not to open a store this year REALLY REALLY simple.

The only thing that would really affect me of the rate increases is the increase in BIN fees, but the whole principle of these rate increases, seemingly serving no other purpose than to line the pockets of eBay with even MORE of our money is absurd.
Message 8 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

This is ridiculous !!! I can't believe the crap that they're trying to pull. They cut down any deal that will save us any money and crank up their percentage. We are the reason Ebay is here and making money and we're the ones taking it in the backside. The only way we can stop this is to boycott Ebay and stop selling until they change their practices. I hearby declare January 20th boycott Ebay day !!!!!
Message 9 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Malcolm, I am with you. I am pulling out of E-Bay and start my own web based site where I can sell and keep all my profit instead of dishing it out in fees for this and that. E-Bay has totally crossed the line this time. Sad very sad.....I was just beginning to have fun at this.X-(
Message 10 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
I guess we now know why there has been such a big push to get people to open Ebay stores.
Message 11 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

rd1000 you hit the nail on the head there! They sucked me in a couple of months ago.
Message 12 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
I can just see it now...(ENTER THE TWILIGHT ZONE PLEASE)

PSNN (Power Seller News Network)
Dated April 1st, 2005


eBay Inc, the world's largest online marketplace headquartered in San Deigo, CA has filed for Chapter 11 today after nearly hitting the 10 year anniversary mark.

In a press release today a member of eBay's Board of Directors had stated "With the rising competition in the retail and online market world-wide and the high cost of our services for buyers, our organization had to face the challenge and openly declare Chapter 11 this morning."

In a recent statement, Business Analyst Joe Bob had a different statement to make, "The Chapter 11 was the cause of the high-cost of fees eBay had constructed earlier this year for its sellers which resulted in a major turnover of eBay sellers."

eBay's most prestigious sellers, the Power Sellers were the foundation of the organizations business. Power Seller Kelly Dawson gave us her thoughts.

"When the breaking news was announced in a substantial increase in fees for its sellers, Power Sellers had begun to turn away, profits weren't being made and sales were down on an all time low. And for buyers, You just couldn't find the great prices you could since eBay's inception in 1995." Kelly replied.

The Power Seller Rights Movement which started on Jan 31st, 2005 had there own statement to make, Senior Member Lucy Mandez states, "It was a horrible day when we had found out about the fees earlier this year, it is also sad to see an organization that we loved and cherished shift themselves from supporting there base, the Power Sellers and the average sellers, to supporting there shareholders and increasing fees substantially, all for the glory of gaining a profit."

Rumours have it that the Power Sellers Rights Movement has decided that within a few months, a Power Seller "Buy Out" of eBay is quite the possibility.

More updates coming soon....

Note to eBay: its just a joke 🙂 I love eBay and I'm proud to be your Power Seller, I would never wish in my wildest dreams of a "chapter 11" and only wish that eBay would continue its massive growth and provide its sellers with the benefits and services we deserve.

Advance eBay! Long Live the Directors! God save the Power Sellers.
Message 13 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

My reply to eBay's fees increase: I will close my eBay store before Feb. 18. Instead, I will open my own internet-based store (much, MUCH cheaper!!!) and look for another ways to sell my products. Obviously, eBay has very serious finacial problems - is't a "beginning of the end" for this company...???
Message 14 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member

As we sell alot of things in the Business and Industrial Catagory this is going to hurt. First they changed the sub-catagories so people were directed to this catagory and now they hike the rates. Sounds like they are paying off those who did the research for this project. Regardless We will sell on and on and hopefully Ebay will give some benefits to its oh so special powersellers.

Lynxamania... I actually thought that was an actual article for a few lines hahaha...Had me all tense 🙂

Message 15 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
Just got back my PS status and looking forward to 2005 only to have this neuclear bomb dropped

By way of the gods, only one of the few things these absolutely insane increases affects are things I use - the Selling Manager fees actually went down???. I'm just waiting for a second email saying this was a typo.

It feels like we've just been raped - up the you know where.

This is why keeping in contact with previous buyers is an absolute MUST. When the day comes to jump ship from these greedy pigs, you can invite some to swim on over with you.

But when the MASS exodus from ebay stores happens, dont expect any contrition from ebay.

Before these rich swine decided to OK this royal gouging, you know there was a room full of accountants crunching numbers to forecast the negative effects of this scenario, and they've already said to themselves "Hmmm... once we do this, how many people will stop using what features, and how many sellers will stop selling? ummm....we'll still make boatloads of cash right?..."yes"....GREAT!, go ahead then."

*Getting started setting up my own website in Dreamweaver as we speak*
Message 16 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
Well why shouldn't they make such ridiculous rate increases? The oil companies tell us to bend over and we smile and take it, so some greedy top executives at eBay figures they can do the same. The scarry part is...they might be right. Are we going to bend over and take it??? At the very least we should voice our dismay to the proper department of eBay. It's all well and good that we're complaining to each other but that won't do anything to change their price increases. Does anyone know where we should send our complaints? There's one of two reasons I think this is happening, Greed or eBay is in serious trouble. (I think it's GREED)
Message 17 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
Hey Barriemetals sorry about that glad it was only a joke!
Message 18 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

Community Member
Correct me if I'm wrong..... The final value fee for a $50.00 US$ item works out to be almost a 38% increase. Old fee would be around $2.00 US....New fee $3.25 US. I wish I had the Balls to do that to my customers. Problem is I won't be able to sleep at night. Pleasant dreams eBay, I think you're going to lose lots of sellers.
Message 19 of 82
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Re: new ebay rates

aleroo raises an interesting point. Maybe this increase is designed to "cull the herd" so to speak. Maybe they want less merchants in the marketplace. The fee increase is a phenomenal boot to the head for us. We celebrated the star colour change just before New Years Eve with a fizzy beverage. We'll be dipping into a fizzy beverage tonight- a Bromo Seltzer- as we re-think our 2005 ramp-up. I still think it's a great place to do business. But I guess a 30% fee increase means we'll all have to be a lot sharper on our acquisition strategies- I think the stuff we buy or contract to re-sell needs a careful re-think.

Message 20 of 82
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