I love reading these threads ....
Everyone keep working hard to help Canadian Powersellers, find better shipping
My experience with UPS and Fedex, from this point on called courier companies in this letter
What I honestly found was that UPS and Fedex expect a lot of paper work for each parcel . To be honest I spent a lot of time doing Data entry into a computer for each parcel. for their on line forms
Also I found that they wanted triplicate copies for each parcel . These copies had to relate to the item , so generally had to be done manually for each parcel
1) for UPS 2) 2 for Customs 3) not sure who for?
I found that the courier companies are very hard to deal with for insurance . My claims took 5 to 6 weeks to get the funds back to us . One or two claims are fine a year are fine , but more claim you have the more problems you have . Your product will be inspected a lot more ,Malcolm spoke about it . The courier companies will see how the item will handle being dropped from a certain height
Weight was an issue
I have a digital scale in the office , it's very exact . Often I would weigh an item , it would weigh say 4kg. But when I checked on line with the courier company , that night when the parcels went out . The item would hit their scales at 5kg. This did not happen just once or twice , but all the time . So this means the item was charged at the higher rate. It made it hard to know the profit or your cost. I just found that with Canada Post , if an item weighed 2kg in the office. Generally it was never questioned by Canada Post.
All around I found I was spinning my wheels more with the courier companies . I am sending out about 50 to 75 parcels a day. You have to measure the efficacy of using the courier companies . Can you ship out as many parcels as fast . Are you prepared to sit in front of a computer possibly up to an hour .
With Canada Post it tends to be a little faster for us . Each staff member has a CP Manifest that can hold 10 customers names per manifest . On the first row our staff writes the Seller first and last name , thier state, amount of packages , package weight............BAM your done , onto the next row and repeat the process for the next Customer package
The length of time to fill in the info CP Manifest for each package is about 30 seconds. If you use the CP online version , it will take longer. But is still faster then the courier companies web site , because once you fill the on line info out . You Still have info related to each package , that will have to be filled out manually
The service is good through the courier companies, but it's important to review how you ship. What is going to make you ship faster . Shipping faster means you can list more , this may mean you sell more