From China?
You have only 45 days to file an Item Not recieved claim with eBay and Paypal. For future reference that's done in the Help & Contact tab up in the top right hand corner of this page.
The dropdown menu has the Resolution Centre, and Item Not Received is the default problem.
Again, for future reference, the first thing you will be asked to do is to contact the seller. You only have to do this ONCE. Don't get into a conversation with the seller. It takes seconds to refund.
The seller may ask you to wait for a few days for delivery if you have been waiting less than 30 days. That's reasonable. Longer waits are not.
Thirty days is plenty of time for arrival from overseas if the item was ever sent at all.
It is NOT reasonable to allow the seller to offer a replacement. It is unlikely to arrive, since it , like the first item probably was never sent.
You ONLY want your money back.
If the seller does not refund, escalate the claim promptly and PPwill refund you and go after the seller for their money. There will be other fallout for the seller.
If more than 45 days have passed, go to the credit card you really paid with (PP is just a mediator)phone the 1-800 customer service number and ask for a chargeback. Have all your paperwork handy to help the clerk process your refund.
But act promptly because cards have deadlines too.