08-19-2014 06:59 AM
I used to have a fairly nice about me page and recently, when you click on the ` about me ' page, you just get my profile page.
Appreciate any input.
08-19-2014 07:04 AM
Never mind, I see they did away with them.
Incredibly intelligent decision ... NOT.
08-20-2014 04:14 PM
Yup, a few months ago they announced the end of the "Me" pages would happen "soon". I guess this week is "soon".
I agree that this feature was a wonderful way to make your selling seem more personal to buyers. I loved it as a place to give buyers some background on what I do and who I am. But no more .. and why? Because, as you'll notice, the new "Profile" page does not allow external links of any kind, nor any personal pictures (aside from the profile image).
EBay wants to erase the folksy concept of individual sellers offering unique or unusual items and focus strongly on looking like a commercial online mall. Details about an individual producer or seller's life and business are irrelevant now, and don't fit in with EBay's new image. Sad but true.
08-20-2014 09:27 PM
For what its worth, they just changed the link associated with the About Me icon to the new profile page. The old about me link can still be reached here
I assume the content on the above links will be gone soon too.
To see your old About me link, copy the URL above and change the userid from rose-dee to your userid.
08-27-2014 05:49 PM
Thanks for the link you provided.
I just put my user name at the end and saw my old page, which I was able to copy everything I had on it.
Perhaps with whatever this new system is, I will be able to still use the picture and discription I had.