gimme a break .... the sellers ALL know about the rates UPS may charge for items valued at certain amounts that are shipped from the states to canada
um? *WHY* would people in another country know about our rules and regs?? Based on many many threads here, MOST people in THIS country have no idea ... do you know the rules and regs for, say, Uganda? No? why the heck not?? You're expecting US sellers to know and understand Canadian rules, plus the rules for the other 200 some-odd countries in the world ... NOT very realistic IMO
grannio - yes, it's called self-brokering
Once you have the UPS tracking number, you call UPS and tell them you'll be self-brokering the item
When it arrives at your local UPS depot, they'll call you, and tell you it's arrived.
You need to print the page showing how much you paid, and take that to the UPS depot. They will give you more paperwork, and you then take it all to your local inland customs house, where you'll pay what you owe, you'll get your paperwork stamped, then you go back to the UPS depot and collect your item(s)

Lest We Forget
"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it."
George W. Bush