Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.

~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 1 of 6,171
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6,170 REPLIES 6,170

Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Also, what guarantee (if any) is there that the government of the recipient's country (in my case, Canada) is eventually receiving 100% of the collected import amount, and that a portion isn't going right into eBay and Paypal's respective pockets?


The importer will be paying the  properly  assessed import charges and keeping about $5 per item to cover their costs. However, if you live in an EU country apart from Britain, the money goes to another government, because the British gov. keeps  all the import VAT for EU bound imports.  Just the way it works.

Message 3521 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Hello 'cerebus',

I'm not sure if it is reasonable to say that sellers had the "option" to lower the declared value.  Doing that

is considered a serious offence.  Some would do it, sure, but it's risky and foolish, -- they could get into

legal trouble.  It still happens, usually only because the seller does not know that it is forbidden by law to

knowingly lower the value of a purchased item.  Most sellers will not do it and don't like to be asked.

See for yourself how valuation works:


This is just plain alarmist. My standard practice for ten or more years was to value everything at some modest figure, I neither had nor expected any trouble, neither did my buyers experience the tiniest problem that I ever heard about. As far as serious offences go it must be way under jaywalking,  something that is not even a crime in most places. One of the first  defects in the GSP plan that I saw was that although things worked one  way in the theoretical world, in real life all savvy sellers would be  completing their customs form to make the item seem as worthless and not worth stealing as possible with the possible taxation position a second consideration.

This benefit to the buyer would be impossible. But unless the item was very heavy, savvy sellers would not be using the GSP anyway.

Message 3522 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program



<<This is just plain alarmist. My standard practice for ten or more years was to value everything at some modest figure,>>


There's always someone who will cover his own dodgy activity by accusing someone else of being "alarmist".

It's not alarmist, it's the law:


As evidenced from the above link, the law says,   "You have to use the first of the six methods, the

transaction value method, whenever possible to determine the customs value of imported goods."


<< it must be way under jaywalking,  something that is not even a crime in most places>>


Well, it's a crime in Canada and the US, however I'm sure both nations would be most interested to be

enlighted by your more "savvy" grasp of the matter.


By all means, send a note to Canada Border Services and tell them they are being alarmist.

I didn't make the rules, however I do respect them, so there's no point railing at me.


Your "standard practice" has been breaking the law.  Bravo, you never got caught, and nothing ever

came of it.  Pat yourself on the back for having 'helped' all those people.


And while you're typing your note to educate Canada Border Services, be sure to include a similar

message to ebay, letting them know that their policies are equally alarmist, because unlike you "savvy sellers",

the clueless pratts at ebay seem to believe that  "It's illegal to falsify customs declarations or mark an item

as a "gift" in order to avoid customs fees. If a buyer asks you to commit customs fraud, report it to us."


Clearly ebay needs your instruction to put them right, because the alarmist ebay dolts insist that,

"We also don't allow buyers to ask sellers to break any laws. For example, buyers can't ask sellers to falsify customs declarations or have an item marked as "gift" in order to avoid customs fees."


I'm not sure whether or not your enthusiastic endorsement of falsifying customs forms here on the boards would

constitute  "Encouraging others to violate eBay policies or the eBay User Agreement":


<< in real life all savvy sellers would be completing their customs form to make the item seem as worthless

and not worth stealing as possible>>


All  "savvy"  sellers?  . . .  I doubt that, but you're entitled to your opinion.



Message 3523 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

1.What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?


I can quickly see that there is nothing for me here and look at another option. 

2.Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?


Eliminate the GSP.  It adds another non-item factor to deal with when shopping.  More time is spent looking at shipping costs and carriers than the items, now overlay the GSP with that.

3.What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?


Drives the shipping cost WAY beyond reasonable, and often higher than local or alternate sources such as Amazon.

4.How have you managed to search for items outside the program?


Item by item, haven't looked for a systematic way to weed them out. 


The GSP is hurting Ebay sales, it puts up a barrier between buyers looking for and quickly finding what they need at a reasonable all in price.

Message 3524 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Item by item, haven't looked for a systematic way to weed them out.


I have an add on to Firefox that eliminates all search results with the words 'Customs services and international tracking  provided' in the list view. But I can't tell you about it. 😞


It's a bit complicated, so just looking for those words will tell you which listings not to look at.


Items that are likely to  be very large or heavy may be worth looking at, they can be cheaper with GSP.

Message 3525 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

In my feedback to a Seller, I now always leave a positive remark about their NON-AFFILIATION with the Global Shipping Program.

They should know that they only have my business because they do not support it!


Message 3526 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I am Canadian buyer and must pay 39% according to this program instead of 13% according to Canadian Customs fees.

I will never buy from sellers using this program!!!

Message 3527 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"instead of 13% according to Canadian Customs fees"


The rate varies by province.  Did you know that Canada Post also charges $9.95 (flat fee) whenever tax is collected on an incoming shipment.


So, a $30 value from the USA may cost $4.00 HST and $10 in Canada Post fees for a total of $14 or 46%.


A $60 value from the USA may cost $8.00 HST and $10 in Canada Post fees for a total of $18 or 30%

Message 3528 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

pierrelebel wrote:

The rate varies by province.  Did you know that Canada Post also charges $9.95 (flat fee) whenever tax is collected on an incoming shipment.

So, a $30 value from the USA may cost $4.00 HST and $10 in Canada Post fees for a total of $14 or 46%.

A $60 value from the USA may cost $8.00 HST and $10 in Canada Post fees for a total of $18 or 30%


And when was the last time you were assessed duties and/or taxes on any item under $100 value not including shipping. The last time I can remember was sometime around 2004 and the item was almost $200. Since then nothing and because I won't buy from venders using the GSP. I know anything over $20 value can be assessed taxes but if the CBSA chooses not to fine and if they do then I am fine with that as well.

Until such a time that the all the known defects are actioned in the GSP it will always remain a questionable program that is an excellent example of  what not to do for an Ecommerce company especially for customer satisfaction. I have been making most of my purchases everywhere else except eBay unless there is no alternative and I suspect a lot of other non-American buyers are doing the same.  E-bay was fun until they got greedy, teamed up with Pitney Bowes a company that is as clueless as they come and created the GSP that they stated was easy for all to use and instead produced an experience that most would rather poke their eyes out and rub salt in the sockets than make a purchase using it. I think their idea of easy to use is different than everyone else's.

Message 3529 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

For me, this year has been a bit different re getting hit with tax for items coming across the border.


I've had items that were over $200 not getting assessed, and then items that are under $100 getting hit with HST.


The deciding factor seems to be the more expensive the shipping method, the higher the chance of it being flagged for assessment.   Mind you, only HST, not duty. Really, duty seems to be a complete non-issue for personal items coming across the border.


As you note, Walker, the vast majority of us prefer to use the regular USPS/Canada Post and CBSA combo, the one that offers some chance of not being 100% assured of the highest, most onerous rates every single time.  The one that actually charges rates that should be charged, and all of it spelled out, going to our Government, and not who knows where, calculated by a malfunctioning program that's subject to absolutely no scrutiny.

Message 3530 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"the vast majority of us prefer to use the regular USPS/Canada Post and CBSA combo, the one that offers some chance of not being 100% assured of the highest, most onerous rates every single time. "


This sentence clearly identifies the problem as perceived by many Canadian buyers: when purchasing from the USA by mail, there are good chances that Canadian consumption taxes (GST/HST/PST) otherwise payable may be avoided.


Why? Because government workers (paid with our tax money) are not doing their job.


Yet, the same government forces all others (freight forwarders, custom brokers, couriers, etc...) to respect the letter of the law and impose appropriate taxes as per policy.  Only its own Customs tax collectors (CBSA) can decide to let things slide.


We live in a strange land, don't we?


That tax evasion problem would not exist if the government took steps to properly and correctly tax every parcels coming into the country, as per stated policy.

While a few online shoppers may scream and cry that they now have to pay appropriate level of taxes, the whole Canadian economy would benefit as it would minimize offshore purchases for the sole purpose of avoiding paying consumption taxes.  Too many Canadian retailers are currently losing millions of dollars in sales because the tax structure is not administered evenly.  Those lost sales also result in lost jobs by Canadian retail workers.


The ability by Canadians to import goods without paying taxes is not a right, it is not even a privilege.  It is a legal loophole tolerated by our own government.  And it hurts our economy.


But... nobody cares.  Everyone only cares about saving a few dollars for themselves. Smiley Mad

Message 3531 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@pierrelebel wrote:


But... nobody cares.  Everyone only cares about saving a few dollars for themselves. Smiley Mad

But you care, Pierre.


And may I suggest that other folks who feel the same way buy from GSP sellers exclusively when buying items from the USA on eBay. For sure you will always pay the taxes owed and not be a "tax evader".


We see things differently ..I do not have an issue with this if our Government doesn't, but if you feel differently I would urge you to only buy items listed under the GSP.




Message 3532 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

My comments had nothing to do with GSP specifically.


As stated often, GSP is flawed for many reasons.  I find it unfortunate that so many Canadian posters use "taxes" as a reason not to use it or other shipping methods requiring correct consumer tax collection..

Message 3533 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Pierrelebel wrote:

This sentence clearly identifies the problem as perceived by many Canadian buyers: when purchasing from the USA by mail, there are good chances that Canadian consumption taxes (GST/HST/PST) otherwise payable may be avoided.

Why? Because government workers (paid with our tax money) are not doing their job.

Yet, the same government forces all others (freight forwarders, custom brokers, couriers, etc...) to respect the letter of the law and impose appropriate taxes as per policy.  Only its own Customs tax collectors (CBSA) can decide to let things slide.



Back a ton of comments earlier I stated that sometime around 2008 when the economy was starting to tank the government (Harper) in order to keep things sort of moving in the economy and to cut down on the backlog of small items being assessed "suggested" to CBSA that items coming from the USA under $100 could be ignored at their discretion, it was in the news at the time. 

In a way the Government who works for us was giving it's citizens a tiny tax break where all the others are profit driven and mostly owned by foreign interests so they did not get the luxury of that tax break. 

The GSP is lumped into the last group as PBI just tosses everything into a shipping container but because they give no detailed invoice information to the buyers as to the breakdown of costs it is perceived that they overcharge buyers on the duties and other such fees but not necessarily turn all the required funds over to the respective governments, they were actually asked about this on this forum but it was ignored. In addition with the GSP there is no avenue for the buyer to appeal overcharges or incorrect duty assessed where with the CBSA there is.

But this is all old news.

Enjoy your weekend 🙂



Message 3534 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Community Member

I bought a guitar and now it is in Erlanger. On my order details page it said: Exception: Undeliverable-SYSTEM_ RESTRICTION. I live in Canada and bought the item from a US seller. So I don't really know wants going on there.

Message 3535 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Guitars again. You will get a full refund, the seller will keep your payment, and the GSP will sell off the guitar to try and recoup some money.

Message 3536 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

You can all complain as much as you want, but the GSP is a cash cow not only for Pitney Bows, but for Ebay as well. Don't forget, Ebay would not have put the GSP in place if they weren't getting something out of it. An educated guess would be at least 35 to 40% of all the charges and fees the GSP collects. So all our complaints are going no where. It easy to see that since there are no Ebay employees responding to these threads. They haven't got the guts to. They know it's a scam and a rip off and several other adjectives, but it's a money maker for them so why rock the boat? They can't honestly justify using the GSP and therefore they won't respond to us. Cowards. All of them.

Message 3537 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I totally agree, I have bid on items and with the GSP I end up paying more for shipping than I did for my purchases ! I have also asked a seller to combine shipping and get several answers depending on the seller! How can I get the seller to combine shipping as it is more than my purchases or is it because of the GSP?
Message 3538 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

The Global Shipping Program is nonsense....and fraudulent.


It is yet anther tool by ebay to encourage all to use their services, enticing people using their own laziness and encouraging ignorance to make an additional profit. Touting "ease" when it is merely manipulation.


What is so difficult about going to the Post Office and shipping at an accurate cost?!

Or shipping at a prior agreed upon price?!

What was the problem before??


It is another attempt by ebay to control everything and profit additionally .


I have been using ebay for years, since its inception in fact, as both buyer and seller, and it is all too clear.

I'e had enough and am leaving ebay.


Not only are the original shipping charges inflated and inaccurate, but additionally the "import taxes" is added automatically to the buying price afterwards?!


And this does NOT protect against an individual having to pay taxes upon receipt. Not in any way.


FURTHERMORE, THESE "taxes" included "CHARGES AND FEES" not disclosed which of course are pocketed by ebay..


Just as the EXCHANGE RATES ARE INACCURATE AND INFLATED with ebay/paypal pocketing the difference..

...ALSO the exchange rate given during auction DIFFERS after the auction's end at payment !!!


This too is FRAUD..


Yet ebay will continue to use the blanket statement that they're  " trying to keep the ebay community safe and streamlined for our users...etc"


...which is kin too the same open ended statement used by  religious or idealistic types using truth or fear,  "God" or "terrorism", etc. as their motive to support  doing what they do. Can't be argued with...


So it goes...this is what happens when you become the only game in town, unregulated and without competition.

You take advantage....and play on the inherent laziness of people.


Message 3539 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

additionally the "import taxes" is added automatically to the buying price afterwards?!


And this does NOT protect against an individual having to pay taxes upon receipt. Not in any way


As long as the sender uses the GSP shipping center, there is no chance at all of the buyer being charged anything on delivery.


It is not a fraudulent scheme, it is just badly designed and inappropriately applied by sellers who are in general pretty ignorant about it and in any case, complaining on the US boards will bring your feeling to the attention of at least some US sellers, they won't be looking here where you are preaching  to the choir.


Message 3540 of 6,171
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