Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.

~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 1 of 6,171
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6,170 REPLIES 6,170

Comments about the Global Shipping Program

So why don't I get a receipt for what I have paid in taxes and duty?


Because you did not pay the taxes, PB is the importer of record and paid the taxes.


You supplied money to PB through the GSP to reimburse them for that tax payment, but you did not pay the Canadian government.


See the full terms and conditions which define PB as the exporter and importer 'of record' which means 'The entity officially responsible'

Message 3641 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Yes, AF is  correct, and this is what makes the GSP so foreign to almost everyone on this thread, and it's hard to wrap one's head around .


When buyers commit to buy under the GSP,  buyers agree to this by giving PB power of attorney.


Now usually one only gives power of attorney to a person or entity that will act in one's best interests. In the case of the GSP however, PB is in the unique position of being responsible for calculating all charges  prior to remitting the  amounts owed, and this in itself creates a conflict of interest.


Mull this over for a moment.


It is in PB's  best interests to consistently overestimate the charge for the buyer  at time of purchase. This is prudent. It's  their "insurance" to cover their corporate rear  so that  they aren't "caught short"  for tax, duty and shipping costs.


The software used by this program is designed to cover a worse case scenario so that   the less info the seller provides, the higher the charges calculated and paid by the buyer.


In the case of a significant  underestimation of costs, PB is at liberty to cancel the sale, at their discretion, and refund any monies, as per their T&C.


Of course when the opposite occurs, the program maximizes profits for PB. Logic would indicate that any overestimation of charges is sheer profit.


Newbie sellers and sellers who aren't  aware that they are in this program almost  guarantee the "worse case" scenario calculation", which greatly benefits PB. 


There is no oversight of how costs are calculated,  nor are we ever presented with any evidence of what has been  paid to our Government in tax and duty.  This is built into the program and buyers agree to this at time of purchase, this is the crux of why this program is irredeemably flawed for most of us.



Message 3642 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

As a Canadian buyer I can see no advantage for buyer or seller for small everyday items such as clothing, cosmetics, fashion accessories, small electronics and electronic accessories. Is there an advantage to the seller?


As I write there is a small  package (item of clothing)  sitting in a Canpar (courier) depot out in the boondocks and EBay Global Shipping expects me to retrieve it. 


That item t could (and should) have been mailed thru the US postal service in a padded envelope for about $5 which would include a tracking number.  The item would be delivered to my home or neighbourhood post office.  Canada Customs may or may not intercept the item for duty & taxes, and if they do I (the recipient) would pay the tariffs to the post office on delivery.


But in this case, I paid over $14 for shipping & about $16 for taxes....a bit steep but the seller gave me a good price.  I found out after the fact that seller only received $5 of the shipping fee and has no control of the package after forwarding it for "Global Shipping".  Seems like a cash grab to me as the rest of the fee would go to the Pitney Bowes and Ebay.  Furthermore this will deter buyers if they have to pay import tariffs EVERY time on every item. 


The vendor has been most cooperative and communications have been excellent, offered refund etc.  My issue is not like the vendor and, as the vendor suggested, I escalated to EBAY so that EBAY could see that this Global Shipping Program is not universally suitable. 


I would most likely NEVER order an item if it cannot be sent thru the post (unless it was a very big box item like a fridge or a car).    




Message 3643 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Well eBay has found a way to incorporate (force through fear?) a US seller into using the GSP program as of today in their new Fall Update Released. If I have read everything correctly as other have, if a US Seller offer International Shipping but not through the GSP all returns from an International Buyer (Have not had any yet, knock on wood) will require depending on reason for return, that I the seller will have to pay for the return shipping PLUS refund for item Plus all duties and taxes paid. My understanding is the returns have to be offered for their new 30 day period......BUT if I opt into the GSP program I do not have to worry about any of that being PB makes both the buyer and seller whole on certain things......blah bl;ah blah.


This whole update is so confusing, frustrating and has quite a few US sellers stating they will no longer even do International sales, and this means International buyers will be stuck using ONLY the GSP program in the end.....sounds like they are trying to make this program manditory at some point if you want to ship Internationally.........


Sadly all the new rules and requirements will leave mostly sellers from China pretty junk at cheap prices 

Message 3644 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Go read the US forums on the selling and shipping, major complaints and concerns today!

Message 3645 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@arlene_v wrote:

Oh boy, aren't we lucky to have so many more potential  buying opportunities.
I'm quite verklempt.

LOL. When all else fails, try humor.


During today's Weekly Board Hour, I asked about this new and "improved" GSP program and what it means for Canadian buyers. This is the reply I received from Rodney. Make of it what you will:


For Canadian buyers, this means we are growing the amount of inventory available for Canadians to buy on our platform. The goal is to continue to make it easier for US sellers to export to Canada, and to open up nearly all US inventory to Canadians. That's a good thing.


At the same time, we have been listening to Canadian buyers, and you're right - they have not been shy about telling us how they feel about the Global Shipping program! Our work is not done on that front - so even as we work with US sellers to open up more inventory, we are also seeking ways to make GSP items more attractive and affordable to Canadian buyers either through improvements and ehancements to the program, or even by replacing how it works entirely. More to come on that front.

Message 3646 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

even by replacing how it works entirely. More to come on that front.


All a seller need to do to be covered for international shipping is to insure their  item with a transit insurer and ship it off by the cheapest means, usually FCMI.


Just pointing this out to all sellers would ease their minds (maybe) and involve no 'program' at all.



Message 3647 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@afantiques wrote:

even by replacing how it works entirely. More to come on that front.


All a seller need to do to be covered for international shipping is to insure their  item with a transit insurer and ship it off by the cheapest means, usually FCMI.


Just pointing this out to all sellers would ease their minds (maybe) and involve no 'program' at all.



That would be great except, eBay is, mark my words, going to require all International shipments to go through the GSP in 2015.....the push to implement it is way to hard and pretty much even if you do not get overseas returns, the risk is to great based on their new policy.


See if I am in the GSP program I am not going to have to pay the return shipping or repay any monies collected by GSP/PB?eBay for Customs, Duty or Taxes. The buyer agreed when purchasing that GSP item they would not be getting reimbursed by PB or eBay for those costs. Only for the cost of the item and original shipping and they must ship it back on their own.


If I am not in the program, I not only have to reimburse item and original shipping but the Customs fees as well plus the return that $350.00 blouse I just sold, if the customer decided in 30 days after wearing it, they no longer wanted it, and did not want to pay return shipping AND want their customs fees back all they have to state is a loose button or something else was not noted and open a SNAD. In opening that choice I pay everything, eBay and PB do not because their is the buyers agreement. It does not matter if I have any agreement of my own, because eBay policy trumps everything......thats the New User Agreement they posted today taking care of all the other changes



Message 3648 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@afantiques wrote:

even by replacing how it works entirely. More to come on that front.


All a seller need to do to be covered for international shipping is to insure their  item with a transit insurer and ship it off by the cheapest means, usually FCMI.


Just pointing this out to all sellers would ease their minds (maybe) and involve no 'program' at all.


That would be much too easy and rational. And it wouldn't earn any additional $$$ for eBay.


This "fall update" thingy is creating quite the uproar on the .com boards. At the moment, the whole thing looks like one gigantic mess.


I was thinking of selling a few items here in the fall. Now I think I'll wait!

Message 3649 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

As far as I can make out the 'paid returns' thing only applies to domestic sales. One objection would be the different postalsystems of the world and the different prices for 'tracking'. According to ebay the return will be no more expensive than the outward shipping, but an item sent to the UK by FCMI would need an extra $10 to be returned with tracking over and above the cost of shipping the package.


There will be no compulsory GSP, although the alternative will be hard to tell the difference.It will simply rake in more clueless sellers, the competent will still be able to do as they have always done.

Message 3650 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@lestweforgetptsd wrote:

....mark my words, going to require all International shipments to go through the GSP in 2015.....the push to implement it is way to hard and pretty much even if you do not get overseas returns, the risk is to great based on their new policy.



I think you are spot on. Here is the new policy on the updated money back guarantee  effective in Sept 2014. (Hope this link works, if it doesn't simply go to the Money Back Guarantee updates on the .com site)


It clearly states that  when items are returned for being "Not as Described" the seller refunds customs charges.


Now even though we all know that we are very rarely hit with customs charges for low dollar items, US sellers don't know this, and all they will see is that selling internationally is becoming increasingly "problematic" on eBay, outside of the GSP. Why should they gamble on something risky when eBay offers a program that reduces all such risk?


This looks very bleak indeed. 

Message 3651 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"According to ebay the return will be no more expensive than the outward shipping"




That does not make any sense.  Where is the link to that specific claim?


I have been selling on a "free shipping worldwide" basis for years.  Would that imply $0.00 return shipping charge?

Message 3652 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@afantiques wrote:

As far as I can make out the 'paid returns' thing only applies to domestic sales. One objection would be the different postalsystems of the world and the different prices for 'tracking'. According to ebay the return will be no more expensive than the outward shipping, but an item sent to the UK by FCMI would need an extra $10 to be returned with tracking over and above the cost of shipping the package.


There will be no compulsory GSP, although the alternative will be hard to tell the difference.It will simply rake in more clueless sellers, the competent will still be able to do as they have always done.

The way to force Non GSP International Sellers into the GSP program is pretty simple as you can see below because if your in the program sellers are protected against some of these costs per the Terms and Services agreement the International buyer agrees to when purchasing a GSP item. GSP buyer do not get "Custom Charges Refunded" on GSP returns or damaged items received. 


When an item is returned to the seller

  • The buyer must return the item in the same condition in which it was received.

  • The seller is required to accept the return at the same location specified in the listing.

  • The cost of return shipping is the seller's responsibility. For return of items with a total cost of $750 or more, we require signature confirmation.

  • The seller pays for any customs charges on the returned item.


    GSP will be the program for International shipping across the board at some point the same way hassle free returns will be now whether a seller wants to be in the program or not. The application of Hassle Free Returns being implemented across the board sometime in 2015 is clearly outlined in the new Fall Policy. GSP is only a matter of time.....

Message 3653 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

My understanding is that you are only required to pay return shipping costs for buyer that are not more then you paid....My domestic shipping is free, but when I print my labels through eBay the customer can only ship back for the same amount I paid through eBay.


I use First Class Mail which means they can not try to charge me for Priority shipping, just the cost of the First Class Mailing

Message 3654 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

One last thing I just caught ..If I use the GSP program I only have to per eBay: 


Remember that with the Global Shipping Program, a seller who offers to refund your original shipping will only be returning the domestic shipping cost; you will not receive a refund for the international shipping cost and import charges that were paid to the US shipping center.


Again though anyone NOT using the GSP program will pay ALL costs incurred by International Buyer to include Customs back...


I suspect as with myself, many will just not do overseas shipping, or they will join GSP......some of the wording in the new updates makes it sound that international is almost manditory or will be because you'll just be shipping to a USA location anyway.....


Just a mess for everyone in the coming months

Message 3655 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

. GSP buyer do not get "Custom Charges Refunded" on GSP returns or damaged items received. 


They do get all charges refunded on items damaged in transit, but not on seller fault returns.


References to customs on returns means any costs to enter the US on return and does not refer to money paid by the buyer for 'import charges' to their country.


In practice a good seller has so few returns that the whole thing is a bit of a non problem, rather like obsessing about lost items when generally they are too rare to worry about and can easily be absorbed by the extra profits of international selling.

Message 3656 of 6,171
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No, this is per eBay and here is the link....this is not referring to cost to return...this means of the original costs the buyer paid...


Buyer purchases item via GSP, item arrives safe and sound to KY shipping center, seller is no longer responsible for any damages after this step in the process


PB ships item from KY center and it arrives broken or damaged to buyer in another county. Seller is not responsible for anything


Buyer wants refund of item cost, shipping and customs fees paid....buyer is only entitled to cost of item and shipping through PB


Buyer receives item and it is not as described and wants to return item, contacts seller, seller is only responsible to reimburse original price of item and only shipping cost seller paid to ship to PB Ky Shipping center, they do not reimburse any additional fees buyer paid AND item has to be shipped back to seller



Message 3657 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Just wanted to say that because of what is going on with EBAY, I've started migrating away. I'm in Canada and I've always bought from US members. I still buy from the US... but not through EBAY.
Message 3658 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Buyer wants refund of item cost, shipping and customs fees paid....buyer is only entitled to cost of item and shipping through PB


This is incorrect, all the cases of damaged items I have monitored have resulted in full refunds including import charges, 100% of the money the buyer paid.  Sellers retain their payment.


Buyer receives item and it is not as described and wants to return item, contacts seller, seller is only responsible to reimburse original price of item and only shipping cost seller paid to ship to PB Ky Shipping center, they do not reimburse any additional fees buyer paid AND item has to be shipped back to seller


This is correct for seller fault returns. Buyers will soon come to know 'damage in transit' is the only one to opt for. Of course, this would be morally wrong.


Message 3659 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@afantiques wrote:

. GSP buyer do not get "Custom Charges Refunded" on GSP returns or damaged items received. 


They do get all charges refunded on items damaged in transit, but not on seller fault returns.


References to customs on returns means any costs to enter the US on return and does not refer to money paid by the buyer for 'import charges' to their country.


In practice a good seller has so few returns that the whole thing is a bit of a non problem, rather like obsessing about lost items when generally they are too rare to worry about and can easily be absorbed by the extra profits of international selling.

It's hard to know what eBay's intention is when referring to the customs charges on Not as Described  returns being the seller's responsibility.


Certainly, when reading it as written, it does sound very much as if the seller will be responsible for reimbursing all customs charges paid by the buyer.


I'm not aware of any country charging customs on items that are returning to a country from whence it originated, when it is returned to a seller  ..and additionally, if any charges are levied, that has never been a buyer issue or responsibility upon returning an item anyway, so why add it to a User Agreement?


This would not make sense to me, but then again this is all getting very confusing! LOL. Maybe someone can clue me in on this.


I'm wondering it this latest twist is with reference to items sold under the GSP, closing that particular loop hole.


i.e. if an item sold under the GSP is Not as Described, it can now be returned to the seller, but the seller is responsible for any customs charges under the program ...and have to reimburse Pitney Bowes, who, in turn, reimburse the buyer.


Well now, that would certainly motivate sellers to be very diligent about getting things right! LOL.  What an interesting turn of events this could be!


Just trying to figure out what is meant by this somewhat bewildering reference to customs in the User Agreement.  It make little sense as it stands.

Message 3660 of 6,171
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