Global Shipping Program has been a disaster

IT makes packages take more than 5 days longer to get to Canada from the US.  I have had more than 3 shipments over the last 3 months to me go lost AFTER the GSP put their hands on them,  It makes items cost MUCH more to ship to Canada. 


It's a good concept, but it is just horrible from my end.  I'd love to go back to shipping roulette where we could actually get things shipped into Canada and save on the tax and duty.  Now, we get to pay tax and duty on everything the GSP touches.


I truly despise and hate this program.  If it were properly implemented it would be on thing, but they take 3-5 business days to process a package when that package would have already been at my door without the GSP.

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Global Shipping Program has been a disaster

@pek63 wrote:

If the package had a mind to it would just walk across the border to me when it was within sight of my place. >> This system might be taking advantage of transport that is already cycling through this route but in all likelihood it just puts more trucks on the road travelling father than necessary.

How do you figure that?  If the package had been trucked to you directly, that would mean putting another truck on the road to accomplish that.

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Global Shipping Program has been a disaster

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