Items doesn't arrive after 60 days - Feedback not possible scam?

I read through here and it seems this is becoming common with no answers that I can find.


Some sellers in China have 60+ days shipping. They sell low cost items but then never ship them.  After waiting the 60 days for the product to arrive you have to spend days contacting them to find out why the products have not arrived. They swear they sent them and ask you to wait a bit longer. If you persist with them they eventually concede and offer to issue refunds. However they only issue partial refunds. Then you have to chase them again to get the rest.  I bought 3 different items from the same seller.  They are counting on the fact that the amounts are so small, that people will forget the amounts.  It's true.  My total was 14.50 for all 3.  So who would bother wasting time trying to get back 5-6 dollars an item?  Do you realize how much they make by doing this?

In my case I finally got 2 refunds for 2 items from seller.  Third item I had to get EBay to refund money as the seller had no tracking information available.  Clever.


So they partially refund money if you pester them.  They beg you to leave positive feedback because they are refunding the money.  Are you kidding?


Here’s the catch: Because it has been 60 days since you purchased the items you can't leave feedback! 


This doesn't make sense.  If the shipping is 60+ days (which is ridiculous even for snail mail) then we should have the option to post feedback for 75 days or 90 days after purchase.  Feedback option to post should be extended based on shipping time. That should be easy to program and set up for eBay.


Does anyone have any options on how to send proper and in this case negative feedback now that the 60 days is over? Other buyers should be warned.



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Items doesn't arrive after 60 days - Feedback not possible scam?

1. Don't buy from China


2. If you do, file and INR after 45 days through Paypal and you will get a full refund soon after. Then you can give feedback.


3. Feedback means very little to them, they like to stall.


4. Never, never accept they will send you a replacement as it will never come.


5. Don't buy from China


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Items doesn't arrive after 60 days - Feedback not possible scam?



EBay only allows 30 days for  a Dispute, which allows for a refund, after the last estimated date for delivery.

BEFORE you pay, look for that delivery date.

If it is more than 30 days from payment, don't buy.


If a purchase has not arrived after 30 (okay 45 if you are more patient than me) days, open a Dispute with Paypal.

Paypal allows 180 days from Payment for a Dispute.


There is a third option if you don't get a refund through those, and that is the credit card attached to your PP account.

There is a 1-800 number for chargebacks and customer service on the back of the card.


But feedback has no effect on the seller's ability to list and sell on eBay.


Message 3 of 7
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Items doesn't arrive after 60 days - Feedback not possible scam?

Thanks for the reply. 

If feedback has no meaning then why bother having it at all? I would not have purchased any items from this seller if their feedback was negative. I use feedback to know if the seller is trustworthy based upon others history with the seller. So that now means to me that I cannot trust the feedback system as it is totally meaningless. 


I did get my refunds but as mentioned 2 from the seller and one from Ebay. So that means the seller made some money with one transaction and didn't need to ship a thing. 


If they cannot ship what they sell and use 60 days as shipping then Ebay should be stepping in and cleaning this up. To allow these types of sellers to continue to do this is a slap in the face against legit buyers and sellers. These types of sellers are blatantly abusing ebay and are allowed to continue to do so without repercussions. Why would Ebay even allow 60 days plus shipping to begin with? 


And to not buy from anyone in China is not fair to the honest sellers in China. 


Again thanks for the reply.  I really do think that Ebay needs to clean this up and not allow this to continue. This is not an isolated case and there are numerous reports of this happening. 

@reallynicestamps wrote:



EBay only allows 30 days for  a Dispute, which allows for a refund, after the last estimated date for delivery.

BEFORE you pay, look for that delivery date.

If it is more than 30 days from payment, don't buy.


If a purchase has not arrived after 30 (okay 45 if you are more patient than me) days, open a Dispute with Paypal.

Paypal allows 180 days from Payment for a Dispute.


There is a third option if you don't get a refund through those, and that is the credit card attached to your PP account.

There is a 1-800 number for chargebacks and customer service on the back of the card.


But feedback has no effect on the seller's ability to list and sell on eBay.



Message 4 of 7
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Items doesn't arrive after 60 days - Feedback not possible scam?

If feedback has no meaning then why bother having it at all?

It's a relic of the 20th century internet.

You may notice that most sites don't have feedback at all or don't make any fuss about it.

They substitute Product Reviews instead.

Sellers use FB even less than Buyers. What we read (if we have time before the listing sells) is the Buyer's FB Left For Others, which may give an indication of the Buyer's character.

made some money with one transaction and didn't need to ship

Perhaps, perhaps not.

EBay will put a 21 Day Hold on payments made to new or questionable sellers.

If the Buyer has a problem before that Hold expires, the Seller doesn't see a penny.

If he manages to cajole the Buyer into waiting past that date, he may get his money, but his selling account has started to cost eBay money. They don't like that.


Why would Ebay even allow 60 days plus shipping to begin with? 

For feedback?

It's 60 days from purchase, not from shipping.

And the Dispute period is 30 days from Delivery or estimated date of Delivery, not shipping or purchase.

Now there is some holdover from the period when Paypal was part of eBay.

EBay is trusting that unhappy buyers who miss the eBay deadline, will know that Paypal allows 180 days from payment for Disputes and that payments backed by credit cards are covered by the card's chargeback service.


Ebay should be stepping in and cleaning this up

They can only work with complaints.

They do close down accounts. They do indemnify defrauded buyers , as do PP and credit cards.

With 140million transactions daily, there is a lot to keep up with and most of those go just fine.


And to not buy from anyone in China is not fair to the honest sellers in China.

Which are most of them.  I agree.


But eBay does not knowingly allow minors to open accounts for buying or for selling.

And grownups are responsible for their own decisions.

Caveat emptor is a saying that predates the internet by a few thousand years.

The buyer needs to read what the listing says, and weigh what the product reviews and the feedback say, and look at all the information about shipping before handing his money over to a stranger.


There are three levels of Buyer Protection if things go wrong, but the buyer has to be his own fourth and earliest protection.





Message 5 of 7
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Items doesn't arrive after 60 days - Feedback not possible scam?

Lies lies lies ALL LIES, I buy Chinese products all the time I have 2NE1 K-Pop albums, T-Shirts, face warmers, I've bought phones and flower seeds and almost everything you can name or think of let alone dream up, and have NEVER been ripped off by anyone outside North America..


I've had customs issues yes, but I got my product, if you are some kind of anti-CCP anti-China 

pro-America keyboard extremist, there are forums on the web for that behavior..


IDFK What it is you're ordering from China, but if it's anything nefarious, dubious or otherwise illegal then go look in the mirror and blame the first person you see

Message 6 of 7
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Items doesn't arrive after 60 days - Feedback not possible scam?

actually if enough negs build up and your account is overneg'd and underpos'd you will undoutbly run into restrictions problems, failed trasactions and possible suit..

I wasted $80 thinking I was getting a cheap laptop (screenshotted the entire transaction) got my refund, seller got banned I recieved a letter stating that eBay sued the seller for doing this to at least 67 people in my locality, we all got a nice monetary gesture (From who? IDK, but thanks whoever u are) for my "troubles"
I lost $80, gained $553.94 in cheque from an anonymous lawyer from texas I think or New mexico, southerner, but longstory short, if you are getting rich scamming, enjoy it while it lasts because it catches up more often than notm and if you are scammed yourself you may be in for a treat, but *DONT* take my word for it, it's just in MY experience, doesn';t mean it'll happen for everyone
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