Need Advice


I am new to the forum.  I read it everyday to learn the ways of ebay.  I have learned much and hope someone can give me advice on this subject. 


Today a parcel arrived with my name and address and it was in need of a customs payment of $14.55 which I paid.  When I opened it, I was surprised to find a box of Rogaine.  I looked at the invoice and found that it should have gone to Spain.  When I looked up the seller I had in fact bought an item from this seller but had already received it.  I then looked at the sellers feedback and found it not too impressive. 


I did email them to let them know of the mistake and that I was out the customs fee.  I did receive an email back but I found it on the rude side.  It read "Not accept it or return for a refund?".  I have already stated that I have accepted it and I have no need for it.  The way I read this email is what should I do and why should I care.


My question is how do I handle this from here on in or is there a way at all?

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Re: Need Advice

I would call PayPal, and see if you can get a refund from the seller through them. Hind sight is always 20/20, but if you were not expecting a pkg from this seller, you should have refused it, then they would have been on the hook for any charges.

Message 2 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

I think you might be stuck on the customs charges.. You should have asked the driver to card it to go to the nearest postal outlet while you sorted it out. Once the customs charges are paid, it's going to be hard to get it back.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

When I looked up the seller I had in fact bought an item from this seller but had already received it. 


So you received your item but this was an extra item?

Message 4 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

What it was, was a shipping mistake on the sellers part.  For some reason they printed a shipping label again for the item I bought instead of one for the buyer in Spain.  How it happened I'm not sure because the invoice in the package was for Spain.  I know that I should check at the door before I pay customs but being rushed and expecting another package from another seller, I just didn't think this time.  Usually I do.

Message 5 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

I don't know what Rogaine is worth (Rogaine with Menoxadil???  that commercial echoes; Must have heard it a thousand times).


But if you paid that much for taxes it must be worth something.


I'd email the seller and ask that $14.55 be put into my account and return it.


If you can repackage as if never opened then mark Return to Sender (RTS) and take it to the PO to return ti.

If not then ask the seller to pay you $14.55 plus shipping and return it.


If those options don't work: Sell it on ebay..... :).

Message 6 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

The problem with checking before paying the person delivering your mail........... is that they HATE when you do that and make if very clear that they do.


They want you to pay no questions asked and anything other than that is frowned upon and sone are down right hostile about it.

Message 7 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

As the seller does not want it I would resell it on eBay and write how you  got it in the listing just so people know

Message 8 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

It is probably past it's expiry date now - vintage thread from 2013   slight_smile

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Need Advice

It rose from the grave. Zombie thread!



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