You don't want a return or a replacement.
EBay has a Money Back Guarantee- because money is faster and easier to process.
Have 30 days passed since the original* delivery?
If not open a Claim (Not As Described) and ask for a refund.
The seller can send you a Return Shipping Label and refund on arrival.
Or they can abandon the item and refund immediately.
Note that the SELLER pays for return shipping in eBay disputes.
If more than 30 days have passed, the seller conned you into giving up your eBay protection.
You are still covered by the Buyer Protections of Paypal (if you used it, always a Good Idea) or the credit card you actually paid with for as long as 180 days fromPayment.
So start those immediately.
In future, remember that money is the easy way to solve international purchase problems.
*It's delivery date, not payment, with eBay.The time between you paying, and you receiving, is not counted in eBay Claims.