Returning an item without delivery confirmation?

I'm about to return an item due to the item being smaller than expected. The seller said they accept returns for full refund. In their return info it stated that they would pay for shipping. I then contacted the seller and asked them about it, but since it was a mistake on their end, they said they'd compensate me for the shipping to return the item. The seller then told me to purchase the cheapest shipping method for the return. I told them the cheapest method would cost $14 with delivery confirmation. Then the seller told me to purchase the service without delivery confirmation. I doubt the seller would refund me $14 for the shipping alone since shipping that item to me cost him $10. My question is, if I purchase the service without delivery confirmation, can the seller just claim that they never received the item back, resulting in them getting their item back and my money? Should I tell the seller that returning the item requires delivery confirmation? What should I do?

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Returning an item without delivery confirmation?

Sounds like a good seller, but even so be on your toes.


I think I would find out how the least expensive shipping is and ask the seller to pay that amount.

Let the seller know prior to returning the item how much that will be, but also let the seller know exactly what you're doing.

These things work best when all the cards are on the table.



Then, you can upgrade at your expense if you choose to, and depending on the item cost and the seller that's your call.


I don't think that a seller should pay for upgraded return shipping.

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Returning an item without delivery confirmation?

What is the price of the item being returned?


If it is expensive, then pay the extra for DC and get less back on the return shipping compensation from the seller. If the item is lower value, then ship without DC and be prepared to lose all by the seller saying it never arrived. Most likely the seller is honest but you decide on the risk you want to take.


Check out the sellers feedback and see how their feedback is.  If too many issues with buyers in feedback and the attitude of the seller is poor on feedback given, ship with DC.


Remember if you return using PayPal shipping labels, you get a 25% discount on Expedited Parcel Canada and USA which has the DC.

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Returning an item without delivery confirmation?

When returning for a refund, delivery confirmation protects the buyer...


Seller's know the rules.


Without delivery confirmation seller can play games... Get the item back  and say it was never received..Delivery confirmation is buyer's insurance policy  that seller must refund the full payment, and in this case  also the cost of return shipping.


In this instance the buyer can say that the cost of that delivery confirmation is his "insurance cost"


Without delivery confirmation Paypal would say it was never returned to the seller....  and buyer will never get a refund, let alone anything else.


Buyer protect yourself....

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