Sellers hiding behind 1 item as $0.01 and 3 items for $14.99 to get top spot in search lowest price

If I search for Price + Shipping Lowest I get a bunch of listing that are offering a mouse for $3.00 with a pull-down menu for the keyboards at $15.99...


Same goes for cell phone cases...they offer something for a penny and the rest for $4.99's impossible to find the cheapest one because it's hidden with a bunch of cheaper stuff just so they get first in the search field.




Type search : white keyboard wireless


Price + Shipping Lowest drill down


I get this for


now the mouse is $3.00 but the keyboard is hidden in the drop down menu for $21.83


It's frustrating trying to find the best deal...if anyone knows a better way to search let me know, does this bother anyone else ?



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Re: Sellers hiding behind 1 item as $0.01 and 3 items for $14.99 to get top spot in search lowest pr

It annoys me when I see that.  Perhaps sellers from other countries do that but I have noticed It mainly with Asian sellers so searching in North America only would help. You can set that up under item location on the left side of the search page.

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