06-11-2018 10:27 AM
hi im i need help i bought something the sellers listing said usa even the pic of the item said "fed ex usa seller" well i come to find out from my tracking number hes in china **bleep** im very angry it takes a very long time to receive anything from china thats why i wanted a north american seller what can i do? this doesnt feel right
06-11-2018 02:44 PM
EBay gave you a last estimated date for delivery.
If the item doesn't arrive in that time, you can open an Item Not Received dispute in the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page and get your money refunded.
Don't do it until you either have the item or settled the Dispute, but:
Infuriating as this is, it actually is a blessing that the seller is shipping from overseas.
Chinese shippers usually use DHL, which is very cheap and which usually has no additional duty or sales taxes. Those are (again usually) covered by the shipper.
FedEx is a horrorshow. Not only do they ALWAYS charge duty and sales taxes (which they are legally required to do) but their customs brokerage charges start around $25.
And they don't necessarily collect on the doorstep, which is annoying, but at least you can refuse the entire transaction. Instead they bill you later and hound you with collection agencies if you don't pay.
Still-- Not As Described dispute is your path.
06-12-2018 04:09 AM
06-12-2018 10:19 AM
@bosslevel wrote:hi im i need help i bought something the sellers listing said usa even the pic of the item said "fed ex usa seller" well i come to find out from my tracking number hes in china **bleep** im very angry it takes a very long time to receive anything from china thats why i wanted a north american seller what can i do? this doesnt feel right
Did you get a FedEx tracking number, at least? What shipping method did the seller use if not that? Not all items from China are shipped by economy mail. Those are the ones that usually take forever.
06-12-2018 12:45 PM
I had that happen to me a little while ago with a purchase I thought I was making from a Florida seller with USA in their name. I based my decision on location and price. Turns out the item was shipped from the UK. Delivery ended up being almost 3 weeks. I went back and checked and there was nothing specifying shipping from assorted warehouses. Only information was USPS First Class Mail which also made me believe it was being shipping from the USA. Unfortunately it seems like eBay has no control over this happening.
06-12-2018 02:04 PM
EBay doesn't have any control over it -- at the beginning.
Sellers are asked for the location of their goods-- for exactly the reasons you shopped for a US supplier-- but some, innocently, will instead put in their own location.
And some, do it deliberately.
When the item is late, the buyer has the hassle of opening an Item Not Received (or if it comes on time, Not As Described* - the NAD being location) and getting a Refund.
We can Report the seller for incorrect location, and hope that eBay does actually pay attention.
Some cynics think it makes no difference. I'm an optimist believing that eventually eBay twigs, but :
*More hassle, since an NAD purchase must be returned to the seller (not the shipper) before a refund will be made. Time wasted.