shipping fees from USA to Canada cost 30 times more than item. Why?

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shipping fees from USA to Canada cost 30 times more than item. Why?



Shipping is based on your location, service the seller chooses to use, weight & size of the final package. If the item is of higher value at sellers discretion use a premium service for safe delivery. This can bump up the final cost. If you are shopping with a seller that uses the Global Shipping Program this will include(built in) duties/taxes where applicable plus a processing fee.



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shipping fees from USA to Canada cost 30 times more than item. Why?

The value of the item has no effect on the cost of shipping, with the exception that a small item which might cost on 92c to mail LetterPost could be upgraded to a more expensive, faster and more secure service if the seller considered it worthwhile.

Registration for a domestic letter adds $9.75 to the cost of shipping.

Priority Post National would be $95.28 for next business day delivery, Signature Confirmation and $100 insurance.

Message 3 of 5
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shipping fees from USA to Canada cost 30 times more than item. Why?

We can't really explain it since you provided absolutely no information on this particular case.

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shipping fees from USA to Canada cost 30 times more than item. Why?

Community Member

Use and save bigtime to USA - cheaper than CANADA most times UPS - check it out - only way to get items to usa

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