Good evening everyone ....
hi ya nellie and nikki ....
and a real special hi and hugs to bears ....
can I share a couple of thoughts with you ....
Have been spending time thinking about special things God has taught me over the years ...
the first one is found in Matthew chapter 18 ... and the corresponding chapters in Mark chapter 9 and Luke chapter 9.
Our Lord and the disciples had just come up to Capernaum to where I believe was Peter's house. The disciples had been thinking of the old Jewish economy and about the promised Kingdom and what their part may be in this (ie Who would be the greatest?)
Once at Peter's house our Lord took time to begin to teach them of new things. In doing so He is seated in the center of the main room in Peter's house on a short stool ... and when his disciples ask "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? - and Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
for a moment please observe the position of the little child .... Jesus is sitting on a stool and has called the little child to him... and the child has come to him in loving and trusting obedience .... ie in complete trust of the One who has called him as a child would to a father ...... and now where is the little child .... the child is wrapped in the arms of Jesus (Mark 9:36) ... Jesus is sitting on the stool ....
can you see the moment .... the child snuggled into the bosom of our Lord next to His heart and wrapped in His arms as He tells these hardened disciples that this child and ones like him would be the greatest in the kingdom of God .... see the child in the place of absolute affection next to the heart of our Lord and in the place of absolute strength ... wrapped in the arms of the Lord Jesus .... everyone who has met and knows this wonderful Lord occupies this most privileged place ...
The second place I would ask our thoughts to be taken to is John Chapter 4 where our Lord meets the woman at the well ... if we can look very carefully at the sceen we can see the love of God seeking this very special person ... a poor sinner woman... it matters not what her (or replace he if you must) sins are ... she represents each one of us .... poor creatures in need and He has come to meet us in our need .... but please dear children of God look carefully at the scene .... there is no condemnation in His voice .... He has not come to judge her ... the law and life has already done that .... He has come to meet her utmost need (the love of God) ... and gently and carefully He opens her heart to receive his love ....
a good commentary of this is by Mr Darby as follows ...
dare anyone one of us ever lift a finger in condemnation of others ..... we who have passed between the nailed scarred hands of this most wonderful person who had mercy on us ..... may we only lift that finger to point to Calvary ..... and encourage others to see the Love that purchased me.....
I hope each one has a wonderful week ... and remeber God does love you and wishes for you to know Him .... :-x