Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

Looks like Ontario is going to Lock Down as of Dec 24 at 12:01 AM.  Will know  at 1 PM today. 


Decided to finish off my Grocery shopping this morning.   We have not really had lines up at our stores for months but the line up was growing fast today.   They are counting folk going in but was crowded.  Lots of folks had their carts filled to the brim. What usually takes 20 minutes  or so shopping and paying  took over an hour to get out. Now may only have to go to a few smaller places for perishables this week  


Feel for the folk working there.  Tension is mounting today. A few told me it's getting hard to deal with some and they are catching it.  


These folk  deserve our Thanks not grief


Watched the Owner of this  place deal with a man in a wheelchair this morning.   Could tell this man was very confused.   He was not  doing anything out of line but he was wearing a  frayed and dirty disposable mask.  Told the owner he had been using it for weeks and washing it.   The owner  went over to the table with hand cleaner masks etc and grabbed a large  number of masks and gave them to him.  He then explained these are not meant to be reused and told the man  "I want you to be safe and okay"


During the times before the Pandemic and things were going well  he does the same thing & shows concern for others.  Have seen it many times over. It shows this place has one of the best reps in the area.  It is a bit more expensive shopping there compared to other places  but  seeing that I do not mind the extra cost



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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

Vancouver Island has been fairly safe and thankfully has not had many cases and only nine deaths directly from the virus, although the loss of one of the members of our writing group was indirectly caused by isolation and loneliness.


Our local supermarket does a January 'case lot' sale and I had stocked up on some often used items then.  I noticed that we still have seven cans of diced tomatoes, four of mushroom soup, seven packets of ramen, two of cream of tomato soup, one last vegetable soup, two baked beans, and three boxes of kleenex from that sale.



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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

Keep in mind that we didn't have an official lockdown in British Columbia in reaction to the first COVID wave and I suspect Dr. Henry is going to try to ensure we don't have to have one for this one, as well.  We had a lot of voluntary guidelines that we were strongly encouraged to follow, instead.

Message 3 of 13
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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

Yep, all locked down now. I’m in King Township, York Region, we’ve been locked down for a few weeks. Haven’t been too worried here, we are very rural and mostly farms around us. We have, however, cancelled Christmas visitors this year, even the kids, since the Premier said no visiting. Hopefully we’ll get over this pandemic soon. Going to be a very lonely Christmas, thankfully we can visit virtually using FaceTime.

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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

I am in good shape for a lock down.

I have enough supplies that I could actually go 4 or 5 weeks without leaving my apartment.

I wouldn't be eating fancy but I would survive.

I also have a lifetime supply of matches and candles that I bought in 1999 in anticipation of the Millennium Bug striking.  computer

The first thing I would run out of is bread in about two weeks time shortly followed by milk but I could survive without either. Some people think it is actually healthier to do so.

I am also a short walk (I no longer drive) to a 24 hour Shoppers Drug Mart that has a grocery section. They don't have fresh fruit or vegetables but they have canned goods , frozen foods , bread cheese milk tea coffee etc. Some of the older people in my building never shop anywhere else. 

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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

Do any of the local supermarkets offer delivery?

I've noticed ours will provide curbside pickup and I know they did have a delivery service, but I've never used either, having a corner deli (very high end- you should see their selection of olive oils) and a supermarket within four blocks.


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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

The place I go to offers Online (Personal Shoppers) there  but not delivery.   Seems to be quite popular. Each time I go in I see more of the staff doing this.   Then just arrange a pick up time and they meet you at the front. 


They also have a Staff member at the Front Entrance providing Hand Sanitizer disinfecting the carts  and giving out masks if needed.   Have seen some argue with this  but unless they agree to it  they are not allowed in.  The staff doing this are quite professional about it and friendly but firm



Message 7 of 13
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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

There are supermarkets that deliver where I live.

The one that immediately comes to mind is Fortinos.

One of my neighbours has their groceries delivered from Walmart.

That way they don't have to dress fancy like they would if they shopped in person. Smiley LOL

I have never had groceries delivered. I need a reason to go for a walk every few days.

I do have other things delivered such as Pizza.

Message 8 of 13
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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

@strange*highways wrote:

One of my neighbours has their groceries delivered from Walmart.

That way they don't have to dress fancy like they would if they shopped in person. Smiley LOL

I have never had groceries delivered. I need a reason to go for a walk every few days.

I do have other things delivered such as Pizza.

I discovered early on that I can skip shaving most days, with a good mask I can hide at least a week old stubble with no one the wiser. The darn thing begins to itch if I leave it go for too long though. 

On the shopping from home front I have been surprised at the numbers of people using those daily meal delivery services. cannot recall the company name now but it's my understanding they deliver everything needed ingredients wise to prepare whatever dinner choice you ordered that day. I think cooking at home is involved but golly a service like that at your door every day must be a crazy expensive way to buy groceries ... Know of a couple people using the service.

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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?


One of my many nephews has told me that they are using a meal prep delivery service, (I was complaining about cooking every dmn day.) but I would still be cooking, eh?

He's making a bundle since he is in the glass and plastic business, originally windows but they offer design services (his sister is an accredited interior designer) they are making those safety barriers for shops and restaurants. They had to hire on staff.

So I don't think the price is a concern.



I guess the management is backing them up. Good.

One supermarket we go to is very firm about masking, another doesn't seem to worry. But we don't go when there will be a lineup so maybe the easygoing one is less stringent at off hours. And no one obeys the arrows on the floor anywhere.

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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?



Myself I can go 3 days or so without shaving then it drives me nuts and cannot get to the sink  and razor fast enough


When I was in my early 30's and before I started Teaching  I would get into having a beard for awhile then shave it off and then repeat the whole thing over. Same with cutting my Hair. Have always had longer hair  but no where near what I had when a teenager and into my mid  20's.  (Longest was down to my waist)  When I was 14 or so I was rushed to the Hospital  up at the Cottage. A Dog gave me a nasty bite on the leg.  In with the Dr alone he walked out to my Father and all I heard was My Father saying in a raised and loud voice  "That is my Son Not my Daughter!"  Feared For My Life That Day 


When I decided enough is enough started getting  my hair cut shorter but still below the collar etc.  I also started wearing Glasses around the same time.  


Had not seen my Mother in about 8 months she lived in Toronto.   Coming here one day, we were meeting at a Restaurant for Lunch  Walked up to her she looked at me and said "You go ahead Sir I'm waiting for My Son".  Did not recognize me at all.  Hmm Had to say to her  "I am your Son"  


Now I will go months without getting a Haircut and then it hits.   I cannot stand it anymore and my one goal is to get it cut right away. Nothing else matters and get intense,  relaxing only when it is done. 


Used to do Harbor Front Antique Market in Toronto one Sunday every 5 or 6 weeks. At first many did not know me . One time would go down Clean Shaven the next time with a full beard.  *chuckle  got to the point some would see me and say "You know there is a guy that comes down here that has basically the same  type of items you do" and would get compliments about my items, "Interesting you both have the same type of things "  Took 5 or 6 times going down there after before they  clued in I was one and the same



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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

A few weeks ago went to our largest indoor Shopping Mall. I very rarely go there  I do not like those places and only went that day because I had to. My phone was acting up and had to find the companies location. That was fun had not been to them in 5 years .  They had moved their location in the mall.  Got a lot of walking in that day  Even the location maps did not make sense.  They had moved from a store to a aisle Kiosk don't know how many times I walked by there before cluing in


I followed the arrows  was one of the few that did. Was getting folks walking towards me and some gave me attitude.  Just pointed to the direction the arrows were pointed  and moved on.   Most still had the attitude but did see some move into the right lane



Message 12 of 13
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Are you ready for the Lock Down if it happens?

Of the five food retailers in my town, the most relaxed atmosphere is in the one where they chose not to put arrows in the aisles.
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