JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter






Folks, it's been awhile. Never too late for good cheer, right?

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Greetings, and good Sunday morning, Maid Marian:)

Hope all is well in your busy little corner of the world!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

life is as good as I make it each day, Sherry. You and yours?

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

A wise and fitting observation, Marian!   Using that logic, I would have to respond that 'my cup runneth over'.

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 4 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Good morning Ladies!  It's been a while.:)

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Greetings, Claire, LTNS!

There are many MIA, but I suppose lots moved over to FB during the couple of years that I have been away.  I'm really out of the loop, for sure.  Good to see you!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Claire, hello! Sherry good morning! You are both still early-birds. I had to get up and out early. My apartment needed some electrical work done. I told the super he could have early access.....so got offline early this am.

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Ahh, lots of mornings I try to stay in bed a little longer, but these days the lake is so awesome I can't bear to miss out on a second of the early morning glamour!

The past couple of days have brought thousands upon thousands of ducks coming and going, like O'Hare meeting Heathrow!  The lake, all tuxedo-clad!  And Flocks upon flocks of geese!

And I've been lucky enough to have a mature bald eagle make several passes in front of us over the course of the day, and..drumroll...how many people can say they've actually seen '7 swans-a-swimming' ( and flying) in real life!  Twice!

I've never seen more than the occasional 'pair' fly past, ever!

I may never leave home, LOL!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

how wonderful Sherry...love nature's seasonality.

Message 9 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Yes Marian!  An early bird, that's me, lol.  😄

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

hee hee Claire, I remembered.

Good morning peeps, coffee's on. I'm sitting here with mine and eating an Ideal Protein vanilla pudding with cinnamon for breakfast. Hoping there will be even less of me tomorrow, 😛

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Community Member

Good Morning!!!

I have a good Morning gif I used to use on here but can't remember how to use it. LOL

Anyway,hope you all have a fine day 🙂

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Hi Nan, thrilled to see you're here...funny how so much time passes and still we can find a familiar friendly face. Hope everyone in your world is well.

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Community Member

Greetings from the past, just thought I would stop in to wish everyone a warm and wonderful christmas.

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

hi senility, lol. Don't I see you every morning in the mirror? Oh never mind.

Welcome back.

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Community Member

Cts is part of my history. LOL

Mant happy memories.

Don't we all wanna go back when we age ? 😉

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Community Member


Message 17 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

mine too Nan. I remember the silly gif-offs and gif parties ebay used to throw. And the prizes. The exchanges and the gifts.

Biggest gift was meeting folks in person and realizing that they are real people! 😄

Message 18 of 352
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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Not applicable

A very good morning, all!!

So glad I stumbled into TC this morning, it's been a long time.  Great to see you start the cafe again, Marian ...  I miss this place.


Nan,  seeing you reminded me that I need to order your jams for the boys.  It seems that it is a new tradition that they look forward to every year, or so they hinted at last night 🙂


Sherry ...  I was thinking of you last week, and here you are!  Of course, in my mind, you are always in the whirly bird.  I have missed your great photos at the lake.

Hiya, Claire... 

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JUST IN TYME CAFE, for friendly banter

Hey Roni, nan...so nice to see you guys. 

Everyone must be extra busy right now, after all it's the season to be jolly and nice!

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