10-14-2021 01:45 PM
Looks like the dumb summer camp "Rock Star" "Enthusiast" etc additions to our names have disappeared.
Now if we could only get back our avatars, feedback counts, and links to our FB and listings....
10-14-2021 02:28 PM
I've never paid a lot of attention to them, I find the statistics interesting to know, they don't motivate me to do anything, nor do I attach increased value to someone who's posting who has them.
About the only thing I do like is when I receive Kudos, it tells me what I've spent time writing was worthwhile to someone, which prompts me to spend more time responding to those kinds of things in the future. I get a lot of value from the boards and I like to give back what I can but want it to be useful to others, as I really should be listing stuff instead of typing it here.......
10-14-2021 02:56 PM
I haven't been the forums for a while, when I logged in yesterday it was a **bleep** moment.
Tried to see another seller's listing, no direct link 😞
10-14-2021 05:25 PM
Need to pay ebay higher fees they don't have the money to fix that
10-14-2021 05:29 PM
I definitely agree that the no link to sellers listings is a PAIN, it is more work now to do that manually.....
10-14-2021 08:56 PM
why do they bleep out **bleep**....its an abbreviation of a longer term including an actual expletive.
09:25 PM
- last edited on
11:36 PM
This forum wants us to be bots, there's not place for emotions in here.
10-15-2021 03:29 PM
@femmefan1946 - summercamp badges are, unfortunately, only on a brief hiatus.
The ongoing issue with avatar photos, feedback and profile links, etc have traveled to this now.
Khoros continues to work on a fix (and then a deployment date for that fix, and then a delay to the deployment date for that fix, etc).
Addressing the badges, rank names and other 'achievements' are on our list of things to re-evaluate, but we're focusing on stability of the platform first.
In short: https://youtu.be/IIPx8ZBFQDo
10-15-2021 03:41 PM
tyler@ebay wrote:@femmefan1946 - summercamp badges are, unfortunately, only on a brief hiatus.
The ongoing issue with avatar photos, feedback and profile links, etc have traveled to this now.
Khoros continues to work on a fix (and then a deployment date for that fix, and then a delay to the deployment date for that fix, etc).
Addressing the badges, rank names and other 'achievements' are on our list of things to re-evaluate, but we're focusing on stability of the platform first.
In short: https://youtu.be/IIPx8ZBFQDo
Is it a ?
10-15-2021 10:26 PM
Wo wo whoa there Li'l lady.... Many of us LIKE the "dumb summer camp "Rock Star" "Enthusiast" etc additions to our names"... Just sayin... without us songs like ZZs "Tush" would not be on your playlist.
10-16-2021 07:26 PM
I'm still waiting for my free 2021 eBay Open t-shirt. I was promised one (address confirmed) after filling out the survey. Who doesn't like some free eBayana...
@rocketscollectibles Team Racoons, you can have all my badges (except my TRS on eBay.com), I would donate all of them to you if I could
10-16-2021 08:45 PM
The most useful part is cross checking when a poster comes with problems.
Sometimes it's easy to see the problem
(the poster joined yesterday and is wondering why his listings aren't showing)
and sometimes it needs some deeper diving
(10000 words of boilerplate in a Description with no actual description).
10-17-2021 12:25 PM
@beavosorus wrote:... Tried to see another seller's listing, no direct link 😞
work-around URL: www. ebay.ca/usr/user-name-here
10-17-2021 10:12 PM
Not sure to understand what you mean and where i said badges are important to me, i don't care about badges
Also my last post is out of context, half of it is erased