Why does my language choice read "English" and show a Canadian flag ??? Should be American flag....t

In the line/bar that says "Hi James", eBay deals, Sell, Help & Contact, my language choice reads "English" but shows a Canadian flag.....It should be an American flag.....I don't know how to change this, the only other option is French.....thanks

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Re: Why does my language choice read "English" and show a Canadian flag ??? Should be Amer

You have somehow landed on eBay.CA. Simply go up to your browser's address bar and change eBay.CA to eBay.COM.
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Re: Why does my language choice read "English" and show a Canadian flag ??? Should be Amer

I am very tech "unsavvy".....So I'll have to ask Where is that address bar ???....thanks

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Re: Why does my language choice read "English" and show a Canadian flag ??? Should be Amer

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like when I am on the eBay.CA main page. (I use Microsoft Edge. If you use any other browser, yours will look a bit different.)


See the area outlined in red with the red arrow pointing to it? That's the address bar. It's where you type in websites or things you want to search. (A website's "address" (such as "eBay.CA") is similar to a house address in the sense that it tells you where you are.)


You will first need to sign out of eBay.CA (click "Hi [your name]!" at the top-left corner of the page above the eBay logo, then click "Sign Out" in the drop-down menu that appears), then in the address bar (outlined in red in the picture below) type in eBay.COM. Once you sign in there, you should be back where you want to be.



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Type a product name