10-02-2018 07:55 PM
Hi everyone -
Opening the chat up for tomorrow.
I'm also leaving the first iteration of a known issue/update tracker here to see how it goes. I'll probably be tweaking it a bit, but for now:
Issue | Status | Latest Update | Action taken/Next Steps |
Multiple Quantity shipments return a 'Rate cannot be calculated' error | Known issue / Ticket Open | Work continues | Workaround: while this is showing no postage can be calculated. It is found on the back end. Adding the item the cart will show the postage cost for the location in checkout |
Error message displays when saving items as draft | Re-investigating | ||
Seller Hub catalog issue | Investigating |
10-02-2018 11:01 PM
Just a few of my ongoing eBay annoyances ...
In "My eBay" Watch list the time remaining in an auction no longer displays. It just says "Time Left". Really? Duh? Since the listing hasn't ended yet, I'll take a wild guess and say there is "Time Left". It might be nice to have an idea of just how much time is left.
When listing search results it now seems that 48 items per page with huge thumbnail icons is the only option. Either gallery view or list view. No other options like there used to be. This makes it very annoying to browse when the search has more than 48 items. In some cases it was nice to have 200 per page with smaller thumbnails. Less scrolling and clicking. And why insist on always defaulting back to "Best Match" when that is completely useless. Maybe I always like to see newly listed items first?
At eBay "Are you sure that you want permanently delete all Recently Viewed items?" must mean something different from the rest of the world because when I try and delete them they return a short time later. Clearing cookies and cache (the usual web "solutions") doesn't make any difference.
It seems that the eBay department with the most staff is the "Department of Useless and Unnecessary Changes to Things That Are Working Fine" while the most understaffed department is the one that actually fixes things that are broken.
10-03-2018 12:04 AM
10-03-2018 12:14 AM
Hello Tyler,
Is there any way of updating the Sellers Hub Performance tab to show a breakdown of sales + shipping followed by the total? This was clear in the previous format. For most sellers shipping is not 100% profit. If there is an option to separate I have been unable to locate. Also noted in Performance it is showing an amount in the pie chart for Shippo Labels. Is this a Beta issue or an actual additional charge to Shippo? The amount is for $5.30 and that does not compare factually with actual shipping labels created for the posted 31 days. Lastly will the Seller Level(Global, USA, etc) for Canadian sellers ever be moved to Canadian funds seeing as all of our transactions and fees for dot ca sellers in Canadian funds? One time conversion, over and done with. It would make the data much more relevant and user-friendly.
10-03-2018 01:27 PM
@momcqueen wrote:
Hi Tyler, thanks for opening the thread. I’m only half-paying attention to the NAFTA trade talks but wondered if eBay Canada had a statement to issue to its sellers and/ or buyers on impact of any changes.
Howdy @momcqueen. No official statement has been made as yet regarding the impact of the USMCA, but I know that one is in the works. Keep an eye out on the Seller News section for updates!
10-03-2018 01:46 PM
@bozonet wrote:
Just a few of my ongoing eBay annoyances ...
In "My eBay" Watch list the time remaining in an auction no longer displays. It just says "Time Left". Really? Duh? Since the listing hasn't ended yet, I'll take a wild guess and say there is "Time Left". It might be nice to have an idea of just how much time is left.
When listing search results it now seems that 48 items per page with huge thumbnail icons is the only option. Either gallery view or list view. No other options like there used to be. This makes it very annoying to browse when the search has more than 48 items. In some cases it was nice to have 200 per page with smaller thumbnails. Less scrolling and clicking. And why insist on always defaulting back to "Best Match" when that is completely useless. Maybe I always like to see newly listed items first?
At eBay "Are you sure that you want permanently delete all Recently Viewed items?" must mean something different from the rest of the world because when I try and delete them they return a short time later. Clearing cookies and cache (the usual web "solutions") doesn't make any difference.
It seems that the eBay department with the most staff is the "Department of Useless and Unnecessary Changes to Things That Are Working Fine" while the most understaffed department is the one that actually fixes things that are broken.
Hi @bozonet
'Time left' without giving you an actual amount of time left does seem unhelpful. I'll take a look and see if I can get more detail on that.
When it comes to the default results per page, that is typically set at 50. If you only have 48 results I'm wondering if they have been grouped. You should see an option to 'ungroup listings' at the top of the page. If you click that it will display all results for the search and add the results per page option at the bottom once more.
When it comes to viewing search results, you can customize your preferred search method by clicking on the 'View' drop down and selecting 'Customize', then choosing the drop down of 'Sort Order' and selecting your preferred results method and choosing 'Apply changes'. Photos attached.
I haven't heard of Recently Viewed items returning to the section after being deleted. I'll get that reported for more review. Thanks!Ungrouping these results will display the 1100 items individually and restore the up to 200 views option
Choosing customize from here will let you set a default search results option
10-03-2018 02:13 PM
@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:
Hello Tyler,
Is there any way of updating the Sellers Hub Performance tab to show a breakdown of sales + shipping followed by the total? This was clear in the previous format. For most sellers shipping is not 100% profit. If there is an option to separate I have been unable to locate. Also noted in Performance it is showing an amount in the pie chart for Shippo Labels. Is this a Beta issue or an actual additional charge to Shippo? The amount is for $5.30 and that does not compare factually with actual shipping labels created for the posted 31 days. Lastly will the Seller Level(Global, USA, etc) for Canadian sellers ever be moved to Canadian funds seeing as all of our transactions and fees for dot ca sellers in Canadian funds? One time conversion, over and done with. It would make the data much more relevant and user-friendly.
Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies - there isn't a way to customize the Seller Hub Performance tab to get you the breakdown of what you're looking for (item price and charged shipping as separate line items instead of rolled together as 'sales'). I think it's a fair request though. If you choose the 'Comments?' link in the upper right hand corner you should be given an email address and survey to fill in that will be sent to the developers of that section of Seller Hub directly.
The shipping labels section is odd, it may be a Beta issue that is still being worked out.
I've sent off a clarification request on the seller level currency display. My initial reaction is that it's displaying USD because that's the dollar amount and currency you're held to for Top Rated and the system is just pulling that data in. Hoping to get answers quickly on this one!
10-03-2018 02:13 PM
Thanks for joining this week - closing the chat and will see you out and about on the boards!