Monthly Chat With eBay Staff
Chat opens every second Tuesday of the month, staff responds the next day.
Welcome to November (can you believe it's here already?), Opening the chat up for your questions. Issue Status Latest Update Action taken/Next Steps Unable to add items to an active Sale event + Markdown Re-opened Tech investigating Estimated deliver...
Hi everyone - Opening the chat up for discussion. Thanks! Issue Status Latest Update Action taken/Next Steps Unable to add items to an active Sale event + Markdown Re-opened Tech investigating When using Chrome to save a draft listing, an error displ...
Hi everyone - Opening up the chat this evening for questions. I'll review and respond tomorrow the 24th as I get into the office. See you then! Tyler Issue Status Latest Update Action taken/Next Steps Your recently viewed' items are not staying clear...
Hi everyone - Opening the chat, feel free to leave a question for me to address tomorrow! Tyler Issue Status Latest Update Action taken/Next Steps Error message displays when saving items as draft Closed Tech unable to recreate If this still occurs p...
Howdy everyone - Opening up the chat for tomorrow! Below is an update of issues I'm tracking. Tyler Issue Status Latest Update Action taken/Next Steps Multiple Quantity shipments return a 'Rate cannot be calculated' error Known issue / Ticket Open Wo...
Hi everyone - Opening the chat up for tomorrow. I'm also leaving the first iteration of a known issue/update tracker here to see how it goes. I'll probably be tweaking it a bit, but for now: Issue Status Latest Update Action taken/Next Steps Multiple...
Hi everyone - Opening the thread up for discussion. I'll be in tomorrow morning to review and respond! Tyler
Howdy everyone - I am back and catching up on emails and the news I've missed for the last 4 weeks. Opening up the chat for your questions, and I will address them tomorrow. Glad to be back! Tyler
Howdy everyone - I will be going on sabbatical for 4 weeks starting the week of the 20th. This means there will be no weekly chat until I return. The good news is that I'll be returning to a full time position supporting the Canadian Community Forums...
Please leave a question or concern and I'll work to get answers for you, even if it's just to make sure that the right people receive your feedback. Thanks! Tyler
Hi everyone - Opening the chat up for tomorrow. I'll work on getting answers for your questions. Please know that Seller Update questions may take me a longer amount of time to get responses for, just FYI. See you tomorrow! Tyler
Hi everyone - Apologies for keeping you waiting for answers from Andrea for so long. I underestimated how busy I would be and the amount of work that would accumulate while I was out of office. The good news is that I'm catching up slowly and was abl...
Hi everyone - We're doing something a little different this week as I'll be at eBay Open. I'm working with Andrea Stairs, General Manager of eBay Canada, to respond to your questions. I'm opening the chat now to give you a few days to get questions i...
Hi there - Opening the chat up for you. See you tomorrow! Tyler
Hi everyone - Opening the chat up for you. I'll be in tomorrow and start tracking down answers! Tyler
Hi everyone - Hoping you had a nice Canada Day! Opening the chat up for your questions. See you then, Tyler
Hi everyone - Opening the chat up. I'll be in tomorrow to help get answers. Still working on a previous weeks' follow up chart, thanks for your patience! Tyler
Hi there! Hope you're well, and that the heat isn't getting to you too much. As usual, get me your questions and I'll work on answers for you. Tyler
Hi Everyone - Opening the chat up for our talk tomorrow. It's been a crazy day so I don't have much witty to add. Will a humorous image suffice? See you tomorrow!
Hi everyone - Nearly a week into June already, can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday I was in parkas and snow boots cursing the snow and dreaming of Summer. And now it's here and I'm missing cooler weather. Oh well, 'On ne peut pas gagner,...
Hi everyone! The chat is now open for your questions. I'll be in around noon tomorrow to begin answering questions. Looking forward it! Tyler
Hi everyone - Opening up the chat for tomorrow. Hoping to see you then! Tyler
Hey howdy hey - I am back and ready to get to your questions. Hoping you had a good week and looking forward to chatting with you soon! Tyler
Hi everyone - I apologize for the short notice on this. I was hoping to get a fill-in for the chat this week, but no luck. I'll be out of the office for the rest of the week, returning next Tuesday. Save your questions until then, or you can always t...
Hi everyone - Happy May! Chat is now open to leave your questions and I'll respond to them when I get in tomorrow. Thanks!Tyler
Howdy - Opening tomorrow's chat for questions. I'll be able to respond to them tomorrow, along with the mentions and private messages I've received over the weekend. Thanks for your patience, and see you tomorrow! Tyler
Hi everyone - Apologies for the late open, running against the clock today. Leave your questions below and I'll get you an answer. See you tomorrow!
Hi there - Opening the chat up for the chat tomorrow. See you then!
Howdy - Looking forward to chatting with you tomorrow - see you then!
Hi there everyone - Looking forward to chatting with you tomorrow!