A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Tomorrow I will be shutting down the eBay store I've run for nearly 12 years.  It's a sad day for me, but certainly not an unexpected one.  I saw this coming quite some time ago, it's just that the last few months have made a final decision unavoidable.  


I doubt I need to reiterate the litany of issues that have led to this point -- experienced sellers know them all too well.  Essentially, eBay has worn me out and ground me down with incremental policy changes that neither enhance nor facilitate my ability to sell well as a small business person.   As I said on another post, it boils down to the fact that the time and effort required by a small seller to "feed the eBay monster" constantly (not to mention keeping up with ever-changing eBay policy), in order to maintain any sort of steady level of sales has become completely disproportionate to the return.  


I understand that eBay must satisfy its shareholders.  They are really no longer interested in facilitating small-scale selling, particularly in their "traditional" unique, vintage or OOAK categories.   They want to look like any other big, online retailer with a plethora of mass-produced consumer products at remarkable discounts (even though we all know that's not what's behind the curtain).   


Economies of scale are integral to that concept.  It's no doubt far less expensive for eBay to deal with several thousand big retail sellers listing products that can be precisely compared and deeply discounted (with free shipping of course, by sellers who can afford to make good deals with Canada Post et al), than to have to deal with millions of individual, non-professional small sellers.   EBay has determined this is how they want their future to look, and it seems clear the likes of me do not fit into that picture.  If they wanted to get rid of a whole swath of small sellers by attrition, I think they'll soon have succeeded. 


There was a time (probably prior to about 2013) when I felt that I could actually build and grow my small business here on eBay.  Unfortunately, to my dismay, over the years I've felt that rather than being supported and facilitated by eBay policy, I've managed to survive in spite of it, fighting upstream all the way, mostly by sheer determination, creativity, and an enormous amount of time spent studying and parsing eBay policy.   They've worn me down, and I suspect I'm not alone.  The bottom line is that the bottom line isn't worth it anymore.  If all the effort I've invested in my eBay business is barely resulting in a viable level of sales, I see no point in continuing. 


Higher fees haven't helped.  The one-two punch of eBay raising its store subscription fees by 25% a couple of years ago, followed by the addition of HST/GST onto fees (I'm in a 15% province), combined with the wholesale removal of TRS qualification, meant that my fees have effectively increased by over 50% -- each and every month.   (By the way, there was little point in my applying for a GST business number in order to claim credits -- with sales slumping despite all my work, it hardly seemed worth pursuing, especially since I realized that if things didn't change, I'd be leaving). 


The corollary to removal of small sellers by attrition is that much of the buyer base they brought to eBay has also fled.  EBay itself neither advertises to, nor encourages such buyers.  Many of my long-term competitors and seller colleagues in the "traditional" categories have set up shop elsewhere (I know because I recognize them there). 


What I have never been able to understand however is why eBay essentially gave up on the OOAK, vintage and unique stream.  They could have captured that market almost exclusively (and prevented others, such as you-know-who, from capitalizing on it) by simply creating a parallel eBay selling platform years ago.   But that's a shoulder-shrugging "whatever" subject to me now. 


Almost needless to say has been the pressure of Canada Post's rising rates (and its disruptive disputes).  Small, interesting items are practically not worth selling anymore because shipping can often be more than the item price.  My days of being able to "subsidize" my buyers' shipping costs have also been coming to an end.  And with increased competition from U.S. sellers in my categories (who have cheaper, tracked shipping available), offering free shipping from here on such small items is almost impossible.  


I'm not bitter or angry.  I am a realist about these things, and try to look at the landscape from eBay's viewpoint, as much as I have vehemently disagreed with many of their policies.  But I am sad, since I started on eBay many years ago with much anticipation, and I have had a lot of good years.  I thought I was the kind of seller eBay wanted (at least what they once told us they wanted) -- not a single defect or negative FB in nearly 12 years, consistently excellent customer service, etc. etc.  Apparently that's basically a meaningless metric (to use eBay's word) now.  Big scale, big turnover, big ticket, high volume sales with an indifferent level of customer service is the order of the day.  


It's hard to give up, because I'm also an optimist.  Yet I'm done fighting an uphill battle with little return.  Views and watchers on my store listings have dropped dramatically over the past year (even on items that used to garner immediate and marked attention), and I can only conclude that my typical buyers aren't coming to eBay anymore to look for the types of items I sell.  Paying more and more to eBay in order to sell less and less just doesn't seem like a rationale business strategy to me. 


So tomorrow, after the current (ineffective) sale has ended, I'll be ending all my listings and closing my store.  I'll still be lurking around occasionally, and will likely open a "starter" store on eBay.com to sell the occasional higher-priced items.  But it won't be my focus anymore. 


I want to give a very big thank you to my longtime seller colleagues here, many of whom over the years have discussed issues with me, commiserated, debated with me and empathized with me through some difficult times.  Since many of us work alone, in far-flung places, often the views and voices of other experienced sellers were the only connection I had to keep me moving forward and looking upward.   Your camaraderie has been worth more than I can say.  



Message 1 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Understood but sorry to see you leave.  You and your contributions will be missed.

- Judith

Message 2 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Yup this is the exact same issue for me. I sent over 10,000 packages in 2018, then the strike hit and eBay staff are in the forums saying they will help lettermail packages for INR claims during the strike. They didn't and I lost lots of money during that time.  That fact alone made me never want to purchase a eBay store again.


Now I don't own a store, I list the odd item every few days to slowly clean out my inventory but I don't plan on buying more inventory or reopening my store.


Honestly, I believe now would be a smart time to look into hiring a team of developers to make a eBay alternative for the sellers.

Message 3 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!


Message 4 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Best of luck in any future endeavors. 🙂

Message 5 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

I'm sad to see another experienced seller close shop, but I can totally relate. I'm getting close to that point too, not sure if I'd last till 2020. 


See you again when you do come back to list occasionally wink

Message 6 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

I understand all too well. I also closed my store a few months ago. After being in the red for more than a year, I felt that was the thing to do. However, I do continue to use my 50 free on each site every month. At least that way, the sales I make are profitable - when and if there is a sale.


I feel sorry that you need to leave completely. Maybe consider doing the same thing as me? Either way, I sympathise a lot with you.

Message 7 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Very sorry to read that you are ending selling here.  I've been on ebay over 12 years and have often read your comments here in the message boards.  I agree with everything you say in your post.  You sum up and state the current situation very well.  I think many long time smaller sellers are struggling and are no longer valued.  I will solder on as long as I'm capable of doing so, but am not optimistic about the direction things are heading in.  Good luck in your future endeavors!

Message 8 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

I also am sorry to see you go. I've always enjoyed reading your posts and I'm sure you've answered a lot of my questions in the past. I've been around for about as long as you have and I agree with everything you're saying. I was just about to open a store for the first time but folks here have kindly been advising me and I decided not to. I might even move on myself. Best of Luck!

Message 9 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Your posts have always been calm and sensible, loaded with good advice and with real knowledge.


You will be missed.



Message 10 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Thank you everyone, I greatly appreciate your kind words! 



Message 11 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

I haven't been very active on eBay the last few months (for many of the same reasons you outline), and have not often come to read the posts on this Board, so I have just now read your departure note.


I'm so very sorry that it has come to this.  I know how hard you've worked to make your store a success.  You were a valuable and respected seller and a wonderful contributor to this Board.  I send you my sincere good wishes for your future undertakings.  What a loss!  Take care.

Message 12 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Wow..I feel what you say so much..good luck in your future adventures heart

Message 13 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Sorry to see you go and I can under stand your reasons. I stopped selling late last year and I have not listed any thing since. The last P & L  I did showed I was not making much money for the work involved in doing it. I still buy a little to sell at the local markets.

Best of luck what ever you decide to do in the future

Message 14 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Best wishes going forward with all of your future endeavours. Cheers to a well deserved break away from the ebay grind. 🍹

Message 15 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

I know all to well how you feel. I'm almost at that point myself. The ebay fees keep getting higher and higher and it's almost impossible to compete with Canada Post and their outrageous costs. It's more expensive to ship from Vancouver to Halifax than to the UK. 

Message 16 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

I too am also closing my store tomorrow. I was going to write a huge letter explaining my thoughts and reasonings but Rose-dee did a great job of it for me. So after my final shipping of the most recent sale today, I will also be gone, another long-time seller from the early 2000s. I wish all remaining sellers the best of luck, but it just isn't to be anymore. Adieu!


Janet and Paul

Owniez Collectibles

Janet and Paul
Message 17 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!


Message 18 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Rose-Dee so very sorry to see you go. I have often gotten good advice from your many posts & will miss you. As a small seller I understand completely. eBay wants to become another Amazon & that is not a good fit for most small sellers. Small sellers are what built eBay in the first place but how quickly they forget. I started out as a buyer on eBay collecting cat jewellery. When I first started (2003) there were so many unique & OOAK pieces. I bought a lot & really started selling to finance my habit. LOL

Now with so many small sellers having left & so much garbage from China & India on the site I hardly ever buy anything here now. 

I am struggling with my store as well trying to jump through eBay’s hoops & pay all the fees. I have a lot of inventory so will continue on as best I can but I too am afraid the day will come.

Best of luck rose-Dee & thank you for the many times you have helped me through the years. Reading this thread & seeing others who have quit like you makes me think surely eBay will wake up but I am not holding my breath.

Message 19 of 22
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Re: A Sad Day... So long, it's been good to know you!

Sad to see you go. I've been around since 2001 and things have certainly changed. It's definitely harder to sell these days, and it's frustrating to not be able to call out scam buyers.

I'll put up with it until Canada Post messes with my lettermail shipping. Something tells me the 2cm thickness max is going to be reduced, or oversized lettermail will go up considerably...
Message 20 of 22
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