03-15-2018 02:24 PM - edited 03-15-2018 02:32 PM
Money entered my account and was reversed without my approval!!!
From Ebay: I received a message that my item had sold.
From PayPal: I received an message item was paid for
From Ebay: I was told then to cancel the order as the buyer wanted that and said it was not paid for.
I checked Paypal and sure enough the money entered my Paypal account then was taken out, by who I do not know.
What if I sent the item off after receiving the first two notices???
Who or what has the authority to remove money from my account???
I did not receive a notice from Ebay or Paypal to say the money was reversed!!!
I did not cancel the order as I wanted to get some answers.
Ebay went ahead and canceled the order ????
03-16-2018 04:56 PM
Hi @nicknack17 - I want to clarify that a buyer is able to request a cancellation if made within an hour of purchase, and the seller has not yet marked the item as shipped or added a tracking number. However, you are still asked to confirm the cancellation or let the buyer know you have already shipped the item.
You mentioned receiving an email notifying you of the cancellation - did you accept it?
If accepted, a refund back to the buyer would be automatic, removing the need for you to go into PayPal and issue a refund manually.
I did not accept the cancellation because it stated the item was not paid for when it was paid for.
There is no point to further this conversation as no one here understands what I am saying. I did nothing as I wanted to get to the bottom of what was happening with the transaction and the message stated the item wasn't paid for when in fact it was paid for, the payment went in to my Paypal account! The message to cancel did not come directly to me from the buyer the buyer made no contact. Again money went in to my Paypal and was taken out of my account not by me.
My point here remains who has the authority to remove money from my account, and why did I not have any control over this transaction my Ebay account as well as my Paypal account. I did not receive notice that the money was refunded only that it was paid. Money was refunded before I had a chance to discover and respond to the cancellation request from Ebay stating the item wasn't paid for but it was. I did not cancel the transaction Ebay did. I have no explanation from Ebay or Paypal why any of this happened. I have never had money removed from my Paypal account. I have always been given opportunity to resolve issues on my own and refund on my own, which I prefer. If this is their new policy to take money paid to a seller out of there Paypal account when ever it arises well that is not a good thing. A seller should be given the time to find out why and should be told why the customer wants to cancel, and have their money returned through a process to protect both parties, regardless.
Lately I have had too many cancellations before payment and now I know why, buyers are catching on that they can comit to buy then change their mind. Buyers should not be able to buy and cancel at will. A longer time frame with transactions makes more sense to me.
03-16-2018 05:01 PM
Yep - think of it this way. If you buy a car - you legally have three days to back out of the deal. So whats an hour?
Can you pay for the car and then get your money back out of the Dealers Bank account cause you changed your mind?? Think about that.
03-16-2018 06:29 PM
03-16-2018 06:30 PM
03-16-2018 06:51 PM
There is no point to further this conversation as no one here understands what I am saying. I did nothing as I wanted to get to the bottom of what was happening with the transaction and the message stated the item wasn't paid for when in fact it was paid for, the payment went in to my Paypal account! The message to cancel did not come directly to me from the buyer the buyer made no contact. Again money went in to my Paypal and was taken out of my account not by me.
My point here remains who has the authority to remove money from my account, and why did I not have any control over this transaction my Ebay account as well as my Paypal account. I did not receive notice that the money was refunded only that it was paid. Money was refunded before I had a chance to discover and respond to the cancellation request from Ebay stating the item wasn't paid for but it was. I did not cancel the transaction Ebay did. I have no explanation from Ebay or Paypal why any of this happened. I have never had money removed from my Paypal account. I have always been given opportunity to resolve issues on my own and refund on my own, which I prefer. If this is their new policy to take money paid to a seller out of there Paypal account when ever it arises well that is not a good thing. A seller should be given the time to find out why and should be told why the customer wants to cancel, and have their money returned through a process to protect both parties, regardless.
Lately I have had too many cancellations before payment and now I know why, buyers are catching on that they can comit to buy then change their mind. Buyers should not be able to buy and cancel at will. A longer time frame with transactions makes more sense to me.
I believe every one who gave of their time to respond to your post, including Tyler, understands what you are saying. And there have been attempts to help you understand eBay's policy in this regard and why this could have happened. None of us can conclusively say why, in this case, your authority was overridden.
If this has never happened to you before and, given that other sellers on this thread have not cited situations where this has happened to them, I would be inclined to think of this as a "one off", a "glitch", a "misfire", a "malfunction", whatever. There isn't a seller here who hasn't experienced something like this. I mean no offense or disrespect but I don't see a pattern here and you will have to look to eBay or PayPal to give you a specific answer to your question: "who has the authority to remove money from my account, and why did I not have any control over this transaction my Ebay account as well as my Paypal account." You say you've contacted them and have not received a satisfactory response. Unfortunately, we often have to call several times before we get an answer to our question.
Fortunately, you did not lose your item or your money .... hopefully that offers you some solace.
03-16-2018 11:18 PM
Many of us offer same day shipping, some of us actually still go to the Post Office to ship, and confirm when we get back. The last thing we would want to see is a cancellation, and the money taken out of our PayPal account, after shipment.
Thank you to the OP for letting us know what happened to them, here's hoping it is a glitch or a one time affair. Once we get the ebay"sold" and PayPal "payment" notices, we should be "good to go", and should not have to worry about money being returned without our say.
03-17-2018 12:09 AM
@amcdc79wrote:Many of us offer same day shipping, some of us actually still go to the Post Office to ship, and confirm when we get back. The last thing we would want to see is a cancellation, and the money taken out of our PayPal account, after shipment.
Thank you to the OP for letting us know what happened to them, here's hoping it is a glitch or a one time affair. Once we get the ebay"sold" and PayPal "payment" notices, we should be "good to go", and should not have to worry about money being returned without our say.
I've often done the same thing. I'm on my way out the door to the Post Office and see that I have another sale that won't take long to package. I add it to the others and contact the buyer with confirmation when I return. On a couple of occasions, I received a cancellation request several hours after the sale and I've explained that I had already mailed the item ... the buyers were understanding and did not press for a cancellation.
You're right that we should be confident that once payment is made, we can go ahead and ship but, in spite of the incident with the OP, I would not think twice about continuing to quick ship. I still think this was an isolated incident, simply because no one else has stated that this has happened to them. And if it did happen to me, I would deal with it. It wouldn't be the worst thing that's happened to me as a seller .... far from it. Actually, it would rank very low on the list of bad experiences when fraudulent buyers are taken into account.
03-17-2018 08:48 AM
To the OP: Despite being told otherwise, I too have experienced the situation you have presented to this thread. The only difference being that I assumed it was part of an 'improvement' which ebay was rolling out to make Cancel Orders faster for a seller to process when they are promptly made by the buyer. (Promptly as in within the hour, as opposed to three days later.)
But we have both been told since that it is simply not possible that this happened other than by 'glitch' so we must look for other potential explanations. My top theory involves clicking on something in an associated ebay message that resulted in the seller accepting the Cancel Order request without the seller (you or I) being actively aware of it.
This is easy to do. We've had another user create a thread which insisted that ebay Accepted a Return without her consent simply because she followed the link in the email to the open request. (I don't recall anyone challenged that user on her assertion this happened.)
So, in the interest in getting to the bottom of this, if anyone still cares: did you click on any of the ebay emails you were sent about this as it was happening? Or did you delete the emails and go directly to your ebay Sales/Solds page on your desktop? Were you using a mobile device to read the emails? Sometimes the messages display a bit differently between the desktop versions and raw mobile ones. The difference may be subtle but still enough that a finger might touch a part of the screen you didn't mean to touch.
To other users: As far as Cancel Order requests after shipment, can I suggest other sellers do what I do and print postage through ebay so that tracked shipments are auto-updated as shipped? Also, when I use domestic lettermail or have to otherwise purchase a service at the Postal Counter, I mark the item Shipped once it's packed into a shipping container and the address label printed. I will update the order with tracking information on return from dispatch but I still mark it shipped as part of the process that ensures it's guaranteed-on-the-way to the post office. This is an industry standard. I get my messages from e-tailers that 'my item is shipped' as soon as the package is ready for pickup by the carrier. It's not relevant to retailers that the item may sit on a loading dock for two days awaiting dispatch, that is actual pickup by the courier or in ebayland, an acceptance scan. My point is that a promptly-marked Shipped (before you leave and not when you get back) would avoid any potential difficulties with buyers asking to cancel orders that are 'shipped' but not yet marked as such.