Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

From an email this morning from Auctiva


The supersize image page is going away but we are currently working on a replacement


As a result of eBay's new link policy, we can no longer link to the Auctiva supersize image page.  


We are looking into a solution to replace the feature, however, there will be a period of time where "super size" isn't available.  


In the meantime, we will remove all supersized image links for new and already active listings, so that Auctiva links and features will be 100 % compliant with eBay's link policy



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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

@cumos55 wrote:

The Gallery photos are under eBay's control.


The photos in the description are under Auctiva's control, and must follow eBay's policy.


Auctiva plans to make an appropriate adjustment....  a wait and see situation for sellers...that use Auctiva.







I used the Gallery photos only through Auctiva and many images after the first have disappeared when uploaded to Ebay. I still have 100's to locate as the .ca site does not give you the warning about only one image but the .com site does.


I have lost all faith in Auctiva over the last 6 months due to constant image issues for a paid service and closed my account with them.

Message 21 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

That's odd, I've never personally had an issue with Gallery images sent from Auctiva to eBay disappearing.  Could it possibly be eBay's fault?  


For a while I noticed gallery images missing/disappearing on eBay listings all over the place.  I don't think we ever got a decent explanation from eBay about that (at least not that I can recall).  


At any rate, that issue seems to have been resolved by eBay over the last couple of months, and since you've already left Auctiva, it doesn't really matter.  But at least I haven't noticed any blank gallery images on listings recently.  Who knows what the heck eBay is doing in the background at any given time?

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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

The first image is not the issue, it is the 2+ images that disappear. I just checked on Bonanza and it says I have another 300 on .ca to fix.


Such a joy selling on Ebay and spending 80% of my time fixing their and Auctiva's screwups.

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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

Community Member

@cumos55 wrote:

From an email this morning from Auctiva


The supersize image page is going away but we are currently working on a replacement


As a result of eBay's new link policy, we can no longer link to the Auctiva supersize image page.  


We are looking into a solution to replace the feature, however, there will be a period of time where "super size" isn't available.  


In the meantime, we will remove all supersized image links for new and already active listings, so that Auctiva links and features will be 100 % compliant with eBay's link policy



Hi @cumos55 - just wanted to let you know we've been in touch with Auctiva about this and they've let us know that newly posted listings should already be compliant with the link policies. They've advised reaching out to contact them for help fixing existing listings. Thanks!

Message 24 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

All listings with more than one photo have been or will be removed from eBay  and will be revised.


About two-thirds completed.


Revision included a new template  for the  description part of the listing... a new Auctiva option.... and an activation of eBay Gallery Images.


All is well with revised listings.....Will be completed soon



Message 25 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

hum   no supersize   no good templates anymore......... wish there was an easy way to get rid of autiva. 


Message 26 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

@artisticfairys wrote:

hum   no supersize   no good templates anymore......... wish there was an easy way to get rid of autiva. 


It's actually very easy, pay any outstanding invoice and then close account.


The problem comes when everything needs to be fixed which will take a lot of time and work.

Message 27 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

My current situation.


With one photo in a listing, I have one gallery photo in the top left corner of a listing and one Auctiva photo in the description, at the top of the description


With more than one photo in a listing,  both the gallery view  and the Auctiva photos work to produce a larger photo... supersized images with both options


The Auctiva option works without a link to Auctiva.  .... in response to eBay's link policy


Message 28 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

@artisticfairys wrote:

hum   no supersize   no good templates anymore......... wish there was an easy way to get rid of Auctiva. 

If you go to your Account Dashboard in Auctiva and read the recent announcements, Auctiva is revising templates to fix the supersize issue and is fixing links. They do not want to lose your business and others sellers, so they are complying to the new eBay policies. Some of the issues will be fixed automatically without the seller doing anything.






I can't find a link to this announcement dated Sept 6, 2017 so I will paste it.


Supersizing Images Now Available on Select Templates!


The remaining templates are coming soon


We're happy to announce that we have our supersize image function available for 113 of our templates! The remaining templates will have this feature soon, but the below template names can be used with supersize imaging today!

Message 29 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

Auctiva recently released new templates  and has  less templates that before.


If I do remember correctly ..................


The new templates  are also more mobile compatible. that the older templates.

Message 30 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

@pocomocomputing wrote:


I can't find a link to this announcement dated Sept 6, 2017 so I will paste it.

Supersizing Images Now Available on Select Templates!

The remaining templates are coming soon

We're happy to announce that we have our supersize image function available for 113 of our templates! The remaining templates will have this feature soon, but the below template names can be used with supersize imaging today!

Well, that's interesting.  I'll have to check this on Auctiva.  I just finished re-doing all my important listings within Auctiva to ensure they were up to date (compliant with no links and mobile-friendly), using nothing but their new templates (that is, the ones that were new a couple of weeks ago).  


It now seems it's possible I may have to do this work all over again, unless Auctiva has retroactively updated its first bunch of new templates (which is what I used).  Yuck. 


Meanwhile...back at the ranch...I've had no, zero, zilch, sales so far in September, and we're halfway through the month, a first in over 10 years of selling on eBay.  September is usually one of my best months.  It seems as if buyers have vanished.  Is it all the bad news in the U.S. that's mesmerizing everyone?


I have to wonder if all the time and effort spent fixing things to make eBay happy is worth it for me anymore. 

Message 31 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

I am exactly in the same boat. If I did not have a store, I would probably not bother listing here.


I will have to look very seriously in the not to distant future if I want to pay the early cancellation penalty to get out of it. The only one making money is Ebay and all I am getting is a lot of needless unproductive work


With everything Ebay is doing for the big players which antagonized and makes useless work for the small sellers, it does not look good for the future.


May as well list elsewhere where it is free if no sales. Will save a fortune that way. Just like getting a raise.

Message 32 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

@rose-dee wrote:

@pocomocomputing wrote:


I can't find a link to this announcement dated Sept 6, 2017 so I will paste it.

Supersizing Images Now Available on Select Templates!

The remaining templates are coming soon

We're happy to announce that we have our supersize image function available for 113 of our templates! The remaining templates will have this feature soon, but the below template names can be used with supersize imaging today!

Well, that's interesting.  I'll have to check this on Auctiva.  I just finished re-doing all my important listings within Auctiva to ensure they were up to date (compliant with no links and mobile-friendly), using nothing but their new templates (that is, the ones that were new a couple of weeks ago).  


It now seems it's possible I may have to do this work all over again, unless Auctiva has retroactively updated its first bunch of new templates (which is what I used).  Yuck. 


Meanwhile...back at the ranch...I've had no, zero, zilch, sales so far in September, and we're halfway through the month, a first in over 10 years of selling on eBay.  September is usually one of my best months.  It seems as if buyers have vanished.  Is it all the bad news in the U.S. that's mesmerizing everyone?


I have to wonder if all the time and effort spent fixing things to make eBay happy is worth it for me anymore. 

I was checking out some of your newly listed listings to see how the new templates and HTML code look like in Auctiva. Interesting what the code looks like now. Modern clean code. Interesting how the the counter and showcase are coded. It seems like Auctiva did a good job in adapting to the new eBay listing rules. Hopefully you will not have to make any changes.


Off Topic - One comment I have to make on your listing is the use of many contractions like haven't, we're, we've and so on in the text of the listing. I always used the full words (have not, we are, we have) and not contractions since I felt that contractions were harder to understand for people who have English as a second language. Given the weak education system in the past 30+ years for teaching English and the drop in proficiency of reading and writing skills, contractions might be challenging for those with English as a first language!

Message 33 of 34
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Re: Auctiva Supersize image page .....and eBay's new link policy

@pocomocomputing wrote:


Off Topic - One comment I have to make on your listing is the use of many contractions like haven't, we're, we've and so on in the text of the listing. I always used the full words (have not, we are, we have) and not contractions since I felt that contractions were harder to understand for people who have English as a second language. Given the weak education system in the past 30+ years for teaching English and the drop in proficiency of reading and writing skills, contractions might be challenging for those with English as a first language!

That's probably a good point for sellers of general goods, but my focus is on sewing patterns (with instructions and annotations in English), and over 90% of my customers have traditionally been in the U.S.  After all these years, I've come to know my "typical" customer pretty well. 


They tend to be in a somewhat older age bracket than I imagine the average eBay buyer of commercial or electronic goods would be.  They also -- by definition as people who use sewing patterns -- read (LOL).  And of course the vast majority of my sales go to English-speaking countries.  In other words, my items primarily appeal to a target group that is very competent in English.  


So, although the little niche I've got is self-limiting (few sales to non-English speaking countries), I don't usually have to be concerned about language issues, and I'm certain that using colloquial language plays no part in the current sales slump.  What does seem to be a correlation are the really big, negative events in the U.S. -- Trump getting nominated, then Trump getting elected, now two hurricanes, etc.  It's almost like a reliable barometer, i.e. when people get worried about the general state of their country, they stop making discretionary purchases, which is understandable.  


I don't sell anything that anyone really needs, so I suppose I have to wait patiently until all the crises settle down or until I can no longer make a profit and have to close up shop.  I do think that eBay's focus on advertising new, brand-name electronic, fashion, and household goods and other mass-produced consumer items on its site has probably turned away a lot of my "traditional" buyers.  


Interestingly, events in the U.S. don't seem to have affected my sales to the U.K., Australia, NZ (and parts of Europe where English is a common second language), on another site from which I sell my own designs.  I've never been able to sell much in Canada, despite a lot of marketing effort on my part over the years, so I've stopped making particular efforts in that direction.  If I get one Canadian buyer in 3 months, I'm happy.  


The real question is whether, after more than 10 years on eBay, I'll be able to carry on after one too many Seller Updates or cost hikes.  I'm poised to quit when my store subscription expires in May 2018 if things don't improve.  Effectively my costs of doing business here have risen by around 50% in the last 2 years, and that's not sustainable unless sales also rise considerably.  You may wonder about 50%, but after a ca. 25% hike in store fees, loss of TRS discount, and now GST/HST to be paid, even on the eBay fee side things are bleak.  And that's not taking into account increases in Canada Post charges, and the rising Canadian dollar.  It's a squeeze at both ends, and it's rather depressing. 


I agree with 'dutchman' -- I think eBay no longer has any interest in supporting its traditional small, independent sellers, and will be just as happy if most of us drop off the back end by attrition.  They've taken on more and more big retailers, and doubtless they feel that's where the money (and the least trouble) is.  


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