10-17-2019 02:43 PM
Last time the Shipping Allowance showed up, I couldn't get the code to work.
The time before that, I was charged for my purchase instead of getting it "free".
So yesterday I used the coupon with no problem, the total definitely said $0.00 when I pressed pay, and tonight there is a $37.38 charge on my Paypal from Bascomb Logistics.
I am annoyed.
The two purchases were April 2 for $30.99 and Oct 14 for $37.38.
I noticed that the email about the October purchase says my cost was $2.38, but the PP cost was $37.38.
There is no offset credit from Bascomb for either.
In both cases I was buying 100 6x8 poly envelopes.
I can't send this directly because I seem to have hit my limit on private messages
10-17-2019 03:28 PM
Hi @reallynicestamps - thanks for getting me this!
Will you please check your PayPal activity for a $35 deposit at the same time you paid for the shipping supplies? The way eBay coupons work is to deposit the amount of the used coupon to your PayPal account and then charge your PayPal account the full amount when sending to the seller (it's more of a 'subsidy' in practice as opposed to a true 'coupon' if we want to get technical).
From what I can see, the coupon did deposit properly, but I don't have access to the PayPal view of things, just the info we sent. Thanks!
10-17-2019 03:35 PM
10-17-2019 07:39 PM
Checked Activity page. Checked US and Cdn currency.
10-17-2019 07:43 PM
Hi @femmefan1946 - which account was the purchase with? I only checked @reallynicestamps, but if it was this one then I can do some further digging.