01-09-2024 11:46 PM
How do I turn this "feature" off?
All of a sudden, I've noticed that Auto Offers are being sent out on my listings. I never enabled this, don't want it at all, do not have Best Offer enabled and frankly, am quite ticked off by the sudden change.
This is not a good business practice at all and unethical. It's hard to imagine that it is even legal, given that I never consented to such action.
I've read several posts on the topic, yet haven't found the right one to turn this "feature" off and to make sure it never happens again.
Anyone solved this problem and know how to prevent it from recurring?
Thanks in advance
01-10-2024 12:43 AM
When you send out offers, there's a tick box to send the offer out for that amount to anyone else who watches your item. If you've left that ticked (or haven't noticed it), then it'll send out the offers. I don't think you can stop it, but it should only affect the listings you sent an offer out on. End the affected listing and sell similar and that should clear it.
01-10-2024 07:00 AM
In many cases these are listings I've never sent offers on, so unfortunately, I only find out about the offer eBay sent (without my consent) after the fact at which point I change the settings. Relisting/sell similar isn't preferable, as in many cases the listings have several watchers.
No idea how this is even legal. I never consented to these offers.
01-10-2024 08:35 AM
You may not have noticed it was enabled when you did up your listing. I don't usually have the offers on after a few times the shipping charge didn't carry over when I accepted them. It may have been a glitch but I prefer to have it off for now. Because of this I ALWAYS check because most times it seems to Default to having offers enabled unless you slide that little switch over. It definitely wasn't always this way but has been for a couple of years at least. I know it doesn't seem like we should have to say "Don't allow" when we never requested it be allowed in the first place but I have to assume it's because they think it will help the item sell.
You should be able to go to the listing and under Pricing and where it says "Allow Offers" make sure it is switched to left side (slide with button will be white), not to the right (will be blue - which means it's enabled). I think you have to manually switch it off, but now you will be aware to watch that it's not on when you do up your next listings. If you have a lot of active listings I don't know of a way to do it in bulk, I generally only have about 20 listings at a time so I do it manually.
01-10-2024 08:44 AM
I understand what you are referring to. As previously stated, offers are being sent on items I never sent offers on previously and I have no control over pricing. I'm trying to find a global method to stop this practice, as it is not what I want. One by one after the fact is very time consuming and often results in a sale price that I am not happy with, not to mention it isn't proactive
01-10-2024 09:09 AM
If listings are defaulted by eBay for accepting offers(and I have found this to be the case when changing a listing from auction format to fixed price format), it becomes a necessary chore for the seller to thoroughly check all listings before posting them to make sure all boxes are checked or unchecked as per the seller's chosen decision. One can never assume anything on eBay these days...check and re-check every listing from time to time to make sure all is as supposed to be according to the seller's plan of action.
01-10-2024 11:22 AM
None of my listings have offers enabled. They didn't when I listed and don't have enabled now. And it's easy to turn off if so.
This is a related, yet separate issue.
How to stop eBay from sending out unsolicted offers on my listings??
01-12-2024 09:22 PM