Big Issue with listings.

I am on the phone with ebay and have been for the last hour.    I have about 630 listings on .ca.  I have a store that allows me 1000 free listings and then I had the extra 500 because of the photo fiasco.  I used 26 out of the 500.  Yesterday, I had about 300 listings left of my 1,000 and was going to list today and it stated that I used them all up.  That is impossible as yesterday I had over 300 remaining and today it showed nil.  Also when I went to look my bill up and I have been charged insertion fees.  

I also list everyday so that I don't have them all due at one time.  Any explanation. 


promotional offers.jpgcharge.jpg



Message 1 of 18
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Accepted Solutions

Big Issue with listings.

I finally figured it out.  Listing GTC are only for 30 days.  A few of the months have 31 days, so depending on when it is listed , the renewal date could fall twice in a month and in my case it did, so not only did it use up the remaining free listings I got charged for about 200 more. 


My listings renewed on Aug 1 then Aug 30.   I know that when I am listing that is why I never list too many around the end or beginning of the month.  However, although I relisted a bunch 550 on March 4/18, the 30 day cycle took it to listing 2 times that month (Aug).   


So for Sept and the next little while I am safe as the date for renewal in Sept will be the 29, Oct will be the 29, Nov will be the 28th, Dec will be the 28th, Jan will be the 27th. 


Hopefully that makes sense.  

View solution in original post

Message 8 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

That's a weird one, i have never heard of it happening. Hopefully it will be an easy fix for you. wish you the best of luck..

Message 2 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

Wasn't the 1-time offer of the free listings a very limited time only deal? Not sure but it SHOULD still view in Expired Offers section at the bottom of your Promotional Offer section? A more fair resolution, at minimum, should have been an actual credit, but I guess they didn't feel that was justified.



Message 3 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

And what does your View expired offers link show you?

Message 4 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

expired offers.jpg

Message 5 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

Strange, my monthly allotment of Store listings look the way it should. I hope you get it ironed out. Keep us posted. 

Message 6 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

I believe I read  about this happening to someone on the .com boards recently. Sorry, can’t remember which board, possibly the Sellers board.

Message 7 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

I finally figured it out.  Listing GTC are only for 30 days.  A few of the months have 31 days, so depending on when it is listed , the renewal date could fall twice in a month and in my case it did, so not only did it use up the remaining free listings I got charged for about 200 more. 


My listings renewed on Aug 1 then Aug 30.   I know that when I am listing that is why I never list too many around the end or beginning of the month.  However, although I relisted a bunch 550 on March 4/18, the 30 day cycle took it to listing 2 times that month (Aug).   


So for Sept and the next little while I am safe as the date for renewal in Sept will be the 29, Oct will be the 29, Nov will be the 28th, Dec will be the 28th, Jan will be the 27th. 


Hopefully that makes sense.  

Message 8 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

@musicyouneed wrote:

I finally figured it out.  Listing GTC are only for 30 days.  A few of the months have 31 days, so depending on when it is listed , the renewal date could fall twice in a month and in my case it did, so not only did it use up the remaining free listings I got charged for about 200 more. 


My listings renewed on Aug 1 then Aug 31.   I know that when I am listing that is why I never list too many around the end or beginning of the month.  However, although I relisted a bunch 550 on March 4/18, the 30 day cycle took it to listing 2 times that month (Aug).   


So for Sept and the next little while I am safe as the date for renewal in Sept will be the 29, Oct will be the 29, Nov will be the 28th, Dec will be the 28th, Jan will be the 27th. 


Hopefully that makes sense.  


Message 9 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

An old archived topic discussing GTC and day of month. Old info for may 2013. Changes with each month. All listing will eventually have a double month when they renew on the first. Some years will have two double months. Best to spread listing around in the month with an equal amount renewing each day. Hard to do!  But avoid listing a lot on one day because they will eventually have a double month (1st and 31st).

Message 10 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

Thanks Poco, I remember when you first posted that.  I knew about it but thought I was safe when I relisted 550 of my 600 on Mar 4/18,  I was updating the TOS, but forgot, that March 4, becomes April 3, becomes May 3, June 2, July 2, Aug 1 and then Aug 31.  Good to know.  Now I think I am safe for a couple of years now.  


I really thought there was another bug with ebay.  

Message 11 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

Oh right. That's going to bite me in the butt one day soon.

Message 12 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

I'm currently having a similar issue with it charging me fees to relist. I don't even have that many listing so I can easily double list per month and have plenty of space with my basic store.

The weird thing is it only tries to charge me when bulk relisting (even just 2 at a time). If I just go and relist one at a time there is no fee charged.

Message 13 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

Sometimes (or most of the time) the form will tell you a fee is due for that action yet if you proceed no fee will be charged.
Message 14 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

This was correct, the fees went back to 0 after I submitted everything. The system works! 😕

Message 15 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

It has done that trick with the show-fees-that-won't-actually-be-charged as long as I've been a seller here. Periodically, that is, since 2012 when I listed my first item to sell. Sometimes the form works and shows you that you won't be charged and other times it says you will but you won't. Except then there are times when you really will be charged so you kind of have to know in advance which to expect.

Message 16 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

You’re just referring to the bulk tool right?  Or are you saying that the syi form sometimes gives the wrong info too? 

Message 17 of 18
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Big Issue with listings.

No, yes. It’s affected both. I don’t revise items anymore (or at least not as much as I once did) so I don’t know how often it does this presently.
Message 18 of 18
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