Blocking Shipments to the Russian Federation

Is anyone aware of a method to completely stop RUSSIAN FEDERATION being added to listings automagically with each relist to the section at the bottom: Additional ship to locations - buyers contact for costs? In my preferences it's positively checked off that I DO NOT ship to Russian Federation in both  Asia and Europe(hmmm) groupings??? It only seems to apply when you include shipping to Europe and Australia. Canada/US only and it does not add. Any workaround would be extremely appreciated. When this has been pointed out in the past to CS all I have ever received was baffled nothings.






PS. As a sidenote, if something is unchecked for a listing when it rolls over in GTC, should it ever re-check/re-check/re-check going forward??

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Blocking Shipments to the Russian Federation

Have you ever had someone from Russia ask for a shipping quote on a listing that has that checked off?   As far as I’ve ever seen, that checked country doesn’t show up on a listing when those countries are blocked so it doesn’t matter if it is checked off.


Do any of your listings have Russia checked off in that area right now because all of the ones I’ve checked show that they don’t ship to Russia.  

 Next time you see that, leave it on when you list and then check to see if Russia show up in the shipping drop down on that listing.


If it really bothers you the only work around that I’m aware of is to stop using Europe, Australia etc.   Check off that you ship worldwide and block the countries that you don’t ship to.  Then, that area that says contact seller shouldn’t even show up.  It’s actually better to set it up that way imo as right now you may be blocking countries that you do not want to block. For example,  New Zealand won’t show up on your shipping list the way that you have it set up now.

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Blocking Shipments to the Russian Federation

Removing the Russian Federation should, in theory, remove from a listing automatically. I have shipped to Russia in the past. Items arrive but can get held up in customs for extended periods of time which tends to upset some customers. Going forward I excluded shipping to Russia. I still get requests from time to time asking for items to be shipped there. In checking after in those cases it was because the Russia box was magically rechecked and I missed during relisting. This should be a very simple fix for eBay and personally something I shouldn't need to worry about.  In checking the dot com board, numerous sellers have had other features being magically added to their listings with never a simple fix or satisfactory explanation. Unfortunately, any errors in a listing are considered seller errors and never eBay's fault.




PS. To exclude Russia I should not need to unselect shipping to other countries. I take pride in the countries(approx. 65 +-) I've shipped to in the past successfully.

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Blocking Shipments to the Russian Federation

To anyone who has "enjoyed" the pleasure of a listing that falls under the grasp of eBay's Catalog where your item barely resembles their suggestions. Not what I would ever consider a joyous experience and seems to have been designed by programmers with major drinking problems!!!

Message 4 of 7
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Blocking Shipments to the Russian Federation




Message 5 of 7
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Blocking Shipments to the Russian Federation

To successfully exclude Russia from your ship to locations follow these steps:


Account Settings > Site Preferences > Shipping Preferences > (under Manage Shipping Settings) scroll down to Exclude Shipping Locations and click edit. Check off Russian Federation in Europe and Asia. 


Check the box at the bottom of the page where it says: Also apply to current listings then click apply or submit 


This will bulk edit all your listings and block the Russian Federation.


If you revise a listing or add new listings it will automatically revert back to your old shipping method. You will have to bulk edit again to any listings that get revised or newly listed.   

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Blocking Shipments to the Russian Federation



Confirmed and Confirmed. Tyler does not have a fix or an explanation.






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