Canada Post High Shipping Rates

I like to open discuss with other eBay sellers about Canada Post's high shipping rates.  And see if we can ban together and get eBay to represent us Canadian eBay seller as a whole to get better rates so we can stay competitive.  


If you are a Canadian seller, then you know that we pay high prices in the small packet categories.   Each year is it getting higher and higher to the point seller aren't going to be able to compete with US (and other countries).


I wanted to table this for discussion and see if other sellers like to ban together and do something about it.


I look forward to hearing from my fellow Canadian sellers.




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Canada Post High Shipping Rates

Canada Post is currently holding open meetings across the country about their future.

Two of the Constant Posters here have given briefs to the Committee.


You can help by writing your Member of Parliament:

John Doe, MP

House of Commons


It is unnecessary to stamp the envelope. Just add OHMS where the stamp would be.


You can then cc

Honourable Judy M. Foote. PC MP

House of Commons


who is the Minister Responsible for Canada Post.

Message 2 of 5
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Canada Post High Shipping Rates

Like femme fan said, this is something we never stop talking about. Have you familiarized yourself with the work of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates? They have created a task force on Canada Post Corporation, and there is a 133-page report entitled Canada Post in the Digital Age that is very enlightening for some light reading. Links to that and a lot more can be found here:


Also, Andrea Stairs who is the Managing Director of ebay Canada, testified to the committee. This is mentioned in this post a link I added to her actual testimony can be found, near to the end of the thread. 



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Canada Post High Shipping Rates

2016 Rates for Light Packet / Small Packet / Tracked Packet




The equivalent of Light Packet is oversize lettermail.

Small Packet / Tracked packet don't exist.






000-200g ..  5.70 Light Packet
201-300g ..  8.23 Light Packet
000-250g ..  8.36 Small Packet (Air)

251-500g .. 11.07 Small Packet (Air)
301-500g .. 11.75 Light Packet
251-500g .. 15.75 Tracked Packet


501g-1kg .. 16.65 Small Packet (Air)
501g-1kg .. 18.19 Tracked Packet




Rest of the World


Light Packet has a fixed price. The cost sweet spot is 251-300g.


Small Packet (air) has world regional rates (+ UK rates shown, rest of the world can be higher).


Tracked Packet has fuel surcharges, but also has paypal or Canada Post discounts (* UK over-the-counter base rate shown). $100 insurance included.


I'm ignoring Small Packet (surface) completely, though it is less expensive, it just takes too long to be useable for eBay these days (over 10 years ago I successfully shipped a fair bit that way).



000-200g ..  8.78 ... Light Packet
000-250g ..  9.78+ . Small packet (air)

000-250g .. 45.48* . Tracked packet


201-300g .. 13.46 .. Light Packet

251-500g .. 19.55+ . Small packet (air)

301-500g .. 24.57 .. Light Packet

251-500g .. 48.35* . Tracked packet


500g-1kg .. 38.34+ . Small packet (air)

500g-1kg .. 58.88* . Tracked packet

1.0-1.5kg .. 47.98+ . Small packet (air)

1.0-1.5kg .. 65.32* . Tracked packet


1.5-2.0kg .. 57.62+ . Small packet (air)

1.5-2.0kg .. 72.53* . Tracked packet






ebay's shipping calculator currently does not check to see if a small packet or tracked packet has too big a footprint. Length + Width + Depth must not exceed 90cm.




Message 4 of 5
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Canada Post High Shipping Rates

We in Canada look at Canada Post  and  high postal rates...


Is Canada Post more correct with its rates than the USPS?.


It may be more critical to examine the USPS  and ask....Are their rates too low?



In Canada the people that use Canada Post that pay for the cost of shipping.


In the US it is the people, all of the people in the US, that pay the cost of postage  through subsidies


Here is a link... that should be read.....



Both Canada Post and USPS face the same future......Less  lettermail...;.. more parcels.



 Changes are coming to the USPS..... whether accepted by the people of the US or not.....  and with that adjustment  could come dramatic changes in prices.


What would happen in the US if they followed the Canada Post model.....  as a self-sustaining corporation.... without any government subsidy?


The USPS will change, and in many ways quite dramatically.....  The postal service in all countries are facing the same situation as Canada Post.... letermail versus parcel delivery



Many countries worldwide  are looking at the Canada Post model  ... as a corporation.


Canada Post is under review... and the result will be a fully self-sustaining postal service  that meets  the needs of the people of Canada.



Is the USPS due for a major change????  Will the USPS follow the Canada Post model?...  


In the long run... the USPS is due for a major change...... Will our review of Canada Post help the USPS?





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