08-21-2022 01:30 PM
Looking for feedback from members that handle comics or cards, etc. I randomly picked up a stack of comics on a whim, and got lucky. There is one that sells from $350 US to $2,000 US. The ones above $1k are 9.8 out of 10 condition. I have never bought any comics before either.
Most of these have been graded by an outside service, but in the $600 to $800 range there are a number that are not. Grading will cost $100CDN with shipping and tax. I am looking at CBCS as they have a Canadian office, while CGC would be closer to $200. From what I read CGC will get you 10 to 20% more but with the higher cost and easier shipping, I would use CGC.
The comic is in very, very good condition and I don't see it getting less than an 8.5 grade, possibly 9+.. but isn't that what everyone thinks?
Grading and return is also estimated at an 8 week turn around time. I am torn between sending it and getting a nice potential boost, or just taking the $100 as a buffer for a lower price and selling now. Could the market cool that much in 8 to 10 weeks, or would the timing just be right for Christmas?
08-21-2022 03:02 PM
As you know I'm in the stamp world, but I have the same "certification" type situation.
For myself, if the realizable value is believed to be below $1,000, I for sure don't get them certified.
I do know the areas that are important in terms of condition and I take very expandable pictures (with a camera) of the important "aspects" of the stamp so the buyers can see for themeselves.
I never include the grading level, I rely upon the pictures to do this for me. Generally "really good" stuff, looks after itself price wise when it is being auctioned or is in the store because of the pictures, and so far I've never had a complaint in this regard.
Especially for the grading cost in your situation being in the 10 to 15% of realizable return, it is going to have to be at the upper end to be a good thing.
You are right that ones opinion of quality as a seller, virtually always is higher than it will be as a buyer, it is amazing the things one can overlook when it is "yours" so to speak!
Great to hear that you got a find, hopefully it works out well for you!
08-21-2022 04:08 PM
Thanks, that sums it up pretty well. I have some concern on how fickle a market will be, which I don't think is likely as volatile in the stamp world as pop culture collectables. i.e. sell while demand is good.
I also found a collector site that members will give you feedback on grade and quality, and they are pretty good. I will get some feedback there before making a final call.
08-21-2022 10:50 PM - edited 08-21-2022 11:07 PM
Hi. Comics are now the investment market and have been declining in price since 2021. They are still above the pre pandemic prices but the declines depend on the the specific book. I would suggest if you want to seek public help you will need to disclose the book id and your thoughts of it's potential grading. I'm sure if you were talking about staqmps you would alse need to supply photographs.
For general info on the market positions a repected souce is Swagglehous . The market fluctuation is different for golden, silver, bronze and modern ages. https://youtu.be/CvbeFK7fCAc
for information on grading your own book you might try Automatic comics. He's an entusiastist and in this video gives you a clear understanding of what to expect from CGC. https://youtu.be/b3kol6jouv0
Most of the professional traders specifically want CGC. I understand your liking the convenience of a Canadian office but if you're sending them off anyway I would go with the giant. Depending on the book you also want to be sure to have it cleaned and pressed if neccessary before grading. Most books over 8.5 do not need pressing but depending on the book it may add thousands to the value. The service must be done before the book is slabbed.
A seller recently recd back a busnch of books sent to CGC. It took over a year. I would be carefuyl who you believe when it comes to turnaround times. I don't know anything ab out modern age books as value depends on characters, movies and what is about to come out. I wouldn't get any book graded by CGC or anyone else unless it has a current graded slabbed value of more than $400 and ONLY if the market shows future potential for the book. IE Wolverine or something else about to erupt. Here's a link of another seller's thoughts on "when to holdem and when to fold em". No... wait don't fold em! Pressing is expensive!
Due to the recession being "official" in the US raw comics are selling too. This is an old 2018 video. It's interesting to see how the entertainment market can make or break a graded comic. for example, when it comes to Modern Age books which can be worth mega dollars he says it's pointless to gettin aything under a 9.0 graded. this relates to the larger volume printed and the shorter time in the wild to get damaged. Here is We Love Comics approach to when to sell depending on what you have... https://youtu.be/Fk3N9OEZnUY
If you have Action Comics Superman #1, regardless of condition, get in your car and drive to CGC. Better still fly. You're rich! Good luck!
Hope that provides insight! If you do go with CGBS and actually manage to get it back and list it before Dec 25 I will be blown away. Please provide us all with a follow up to the listing!!!
08-21-2022 11:54 PM
I have gotten some grading feedback, which is indicating 9 to 9.2 as is, higher if pressed. But there is not much to be pressed out so I am thinking 9.4. It seems like you need to get to 9.8 to get a really big bump, and there is one small corner blunt that will still be there.
With the selling price range with a top end of 9.4, the cost for CDC is not worth it. They charge $80 US just for return shipping to Canada, so it adds up quick with a required membership, grading, pressing and your shipping it to the US.
Still chewing on CBCS, though the caveat on turn around time is well noted. It seems like premium comics should get a sales bump at Christmas time, even from people buying it for themselves but I have no experience in this field.