As sellers we get some information about buyers but not enough. i would like to know how many items they did not receive an  item and asked for  a refund for and how many times they asked for refunds for unsatisfactory goods.


i had a chinese buyer who had bought thousands of items. he had perfect feedback. he would never get his item, ask for a refund within a very short period of time, and he would ask for a refund for an item directly through Paypal and not go through ebay direct. i have a few friends who sell the same things as me and they had dealt with him and blocked him.  why can't we report these people in a meaningful way?



Message 1 of 28
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If you are not using tracking, and many Canadian sellers don't because of the high cost, then you have to accept that some of your transactions will end with Not Received disputes.

And that we will lose those disputes.

So we use Cookie Jar Insurance.  This just means putting a small part - a few pennies- from each sale into a virtual Cookie Jar as an insurance premium against bad transactions. 

When something goes wrong, whether the problem was our fault or not, whether the buyer is being truthful or not, we refund from the Cookie Jar.


But mama wasn't born on a turnip truck.

No refunds for Not As Described without returns.

We can Block not only members but also entire countries, even entire continents. Due to some poor experiences, I will not ship to India, Israel, Russia or Saudi Arabia. When I am being polite, I blame their postal system.


Even if we advertise we are not using tracking (and don't do that) we can upgrade shipping at our own expense.

I use Free Shipping, but from time to time I have upgraded from lettermail, the cost of which is in my selling price, to Tracked USA or Expedited Canada because the value of the item sold is higher than my comfort level.


If we are using Auctions, or if we get a Best Offer, we can look at feedback, not FB Received, but Left For Others.


Paypal is pretty much the same as eBay, and until recently PP disputes were counted on eBay. Another thing to blame Carl Icahn for.


No refunds without return.

Block after the first demand for a refund.


Message 2 of 28
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We are never going to get that information as it is private.  Plus, something like that may not tell the whole story because the buyer may have been totally justified in asking for refunds.


There is a seller update just announced that may help prevent some of those situations.

Message 3 of 28
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thank you. most of my items are under $10 and mailed in envelopes so no tracking. i have stopped shipping to india and south america may be next. some of my friends have huge block lists. i have only 1. the man from china.



Message 4 of 28
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Philatelists are on the whole a pretty honest bunch.


There are categories when even a sunny optimist like me would never try to sell.

Message 5 of 28
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I have experienced this person (group) as well, but many years ago.


They will come back with different ID/addresses, usually once a year.


The trick is to watch the "postal code" it is often the same. The addresss and ID will be different each time.


This particular problem is why ALL of my items going to China require tracking. That has significantly diminished the number of sales to China but it also stopped this particular problem.


I've never been 100% sure if the problem is the buyer, or the postal system getting stamps to the buyer, ie stuff getting stolen in their postal system before it gets to the buyer because everything arrives that is tracked. (I have heard some interesting stories from folks that have worked there about what happens around packages arriving).



Message 6 of 28
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This subject has been on my mind the last few days .... my circumstances are different than yours in that my losses have occurred in the U.S. with various buyers.  During my first 12 years on eBay, I had at most 4 letterpost items to the U.S. lost .... one every three years or so.  And that's when I was selling 400 to 500 items a year on two selling accounts.  Now I'm lucky to sell 100 items a year.  I don't know at which point most sellers opt to ship lower-priced items to the U.S. with tracking .... I've heard $50 mentioned several times.  I rarely do, unless the item is worth $50 or more and even though that item could only weigh 150 grams, the cheapest rate for tracked packet air is $18 and change.  If I charged for tracked packet on lower priced items, I’d never sell anything.


Of the letterpost items I've shipped recently, about 30% all of a sudden are not reaching their destination …  "allegedly".  I've issued refunds and not one of those items has ever been returned to me.  (Even one with tracking has been floating around the U.S. for a month heading who knows where because the buyer registered an incorrect address with PayPal.)  I'm afraid "cookie jar insurance" will not cut it.  I have no doubt that, through word of mouth, or simple common sense, some unscrupulous Americans have long ago caught on --- no tracking means the seller cannot prove it has arrived.   Thank goodness I do not have the same problem with Canadian packages.

Message 7 of 28
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As a percentage of sales, over the decades I have had more problems with US buyers than any others.

Message 8 of 28
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@ricarmic wrote:


This particular problem is why ALL of my items going to China require tracking. That has significantly diminished the number of sales to China but it also stopped this particular problem.


I've never been 100% sure if the problem is the buyer, or the postal system getting stamps to the buyer, ie stuff getting stolen in their postal system before it gets to the buyer because everything arrives that is tracked. (I have heard some interesting stories from folks that have worked there about what happens around packages arriving).



I have to second that:  I've had more problems with China that any other country.   China is a great market for antique purses but I've become very nervous shipping to that country.


Like you, I'm also not sure if it's due to their postal system or something else.  When I ship to China I make sure that a phone number is included on the label and almost always insist on tracking.


I do know that my Chinese buyers tend to be very sophisticated and know how to work the system to their advantage to a greater degree than others do.


While I insure my packages going to China, I've found that filing insurance claims is time consuming (and stressful) and I'm never sure if the return is worth the effort.  

Message 9 of 28
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Not applicable

Why not use mail services with tracking number and make the buyers pay for them.

Message 10 of 28
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Pardon me "whistler's mother" .... I don't mean to answer for you, but my situation is the same.  For items priced, say, $10 to $25, buyers simply are not going to pay $15 to $20 for shipping if it is not a unique item.  There will be too many other sellers offering the same item, at the same price, with free shipping, if they live in countries with reasonable shipping rates.  If we are selling those types of items, we have to take our chances ... and complain when we get ripped off ...  LOL

Message 11 of 28
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Tracking (or not)

While I agree that Tracking is always preferred, it is not realistic and competitive at lower price ranges (below $50), especially when dealing with International Tracking. If you're competing with global sellers that have access to lower shipping rates (Deutsche Post, Japan Post, USPS, UK Royal Mail...), you have to remain competitive and use Small Packets under a certain $ threshold, at least in my category. My loss rate is just under 1%, with over 50% of my sales being shipped untracked Small Packet Air (US or International), most buyers ARE honest


Feedback Left for Others

This is probably the single best indicator as to whether or not your buyer will be a troublemaker. We all know that Feedback received as a Buyer is worthless (insert generic" "Immediate Payment, Great Communication, Wonderful eBayer!") since you can leave anything but a positive comment and can't review it after the fact if things go wrong.


Shipping to Central and South America

I don't do it anymore, the marginal sale there is not worth the risk. Spanish is my third language, I would have loved to continue dealing with that region but had to stop. I recently got scammed by an INR abuser from Uruguay, loss $45 on an untracked packet, his Feedback Left for Others section let me to believe that he opens an INR claim on about 20% of his purchases, yet, he has 100% Feedback on 100+ transactions...


Exclusion List

Don't be shy to have an extensive Exclusion List, I tried to be Mr Wonderful, global traveler with an open mind, I'm still am when it comes to my offline life but no longer when it comes to selling on eBay. I only sell to "developed" economies now (North America, Western Europe, Australia + NZ, Japan + the 4 "Asian Tigers"). I'll be Mr Wonderful again when I'll be able to ship from Canada at International Tracking rates offered by Deutsche Post, one can only dream...


US Buyers

90% of my sales are US bound, never had an issue with Americans. I prefer selling to Americans as a matter of fact. It's the developing economy buyer that bombards you with multiple message pre-sale, ask you to lie on the customs declaration (Gift, lower sale value) and subsequently hits you with an INR claim on your untracked parcel that I would be wary off. US buyers, at least in my category, are straight shooters and to the point, with many being repeat buyers. 

Message 12 of 28
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...[you] can't review [feedback] after the fact if things go wrong.

Recently, I noticed on a buyer's page that someone left positive feedback that was later revised with a follow-up comment warning other sellers to avoid the buyer. If only they left that note sooner...

Message 13 of 28
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One of the best reasons for dropping feedback entirely is that buyers are fooled into thinking that is the pathway to the resolution of a problem.


Message 14 of 28
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@whistlersmother1 wrote:

.... some of my friends have huge block lists. i have only 1. the man from china.

You should get your friend's lists and add all of them to your blocked bidder's list. There are millions of registered buyers.  Blocking a few dozen will not affect your sales one bit.


One strategy to use when you get a message from a buyer you suspect isn't so honest is to politely say you will refund them, but first you will contact ebay to check their history.  If they truly didn't receive the item, they will continue.  If they are trying to scam, they might just go away.  It won't work with an advanced scammer that knows you can't check their history.


Message 15 of 28
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@parts_and_diecasts wrote:

Feedback Left for Others

This is probably the single best indicator as to whether or not your buyer will be a troublemaker.


Message 16 of 28
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i have had almost a perfect record of stuff getting to the usa. 

Message 17 of 28
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usa buyers have been great for me. no issues whatsoever.
Message 18 of 28
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Community Member

I sent a brand new never opened diecast car to Edmonton and byer did not picked up for 8 days and then turned around and claimed damaged goods. I told him to send it back and I received a different item from what I sent.

E bay continues not to protected sellers and they are licking byers **bleep**s.

Message 19 of 28
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More sellers need to use followup feedback to "out" shady buyers.

Ebay doesn't give a s#!+
I've reported several shady buyers who have a record of multiple INRS / refunds. They're still going strong!

I out these shady buyers by leaving seemingly pleasant and apologetic "informational" follow up feedback (hoping this will avoid a neg).

I've done this:

"Sorry you didn't receive your item! I issued your refund today"

"So sorry one of your items arrived damaged. I've issued your partial refund today"

"So sorry you weren't happy with your <xyz>. I've issued your refund today".

Pay it forward! Sellers need to protect other sellers!!!
Message 20 of 28
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