02-01-2025 05:45 PM - edited 02-01-2025 05:47 PM
Still no official details on what level it is going to be at or whether it is going to be set at zero. But it is going to change and probably drop significantly as of Tuesday.
Seems like our lives are all about to change substantially. Not talking about our Ebay lives, i'm talking about our Canadian lives. If you read the official statements coming from the White House, Canada has now been classified as a threat to the national security of the US. If we retaliate to the tariffs coming on Tuesday, additional tariffs will be levied on Canada by Trump (this may not matter much because apparently the 25% coming on Tuesday will pretty much shut down all industry doing business with the US).
02-01-2025 05:58 PM - edited 02-01-2025 06:02 PM
Can you please post where your information comes from? The report I read from the CBP (US Customs & border Protection) that was just published 3 days ago states the deadline for public input is March 24.
The CDP is asking the US public for input. Its looking like they are suggesting $100 as a package threshold and $200 for a tourist travel threshold.------
This is my source: https://www.hklaw.com/en/insights/publications/2025/01/cbp-proposes-to-modify-the-de-minimis-exempti...
"CBP invites public comments on the proposed rulemakings. Interested parties can submit their comments via the Federal eRulemaking Portal by March 17, 2025, for the Jan. 14 NPRM and by March 24, 2025, for the Jan. 21 NPRM."/ .---- ":For the Jan. 21 NPRM, in addition to comments on the provisions discussed above, CBP is also requesting comments on whether these provisions should be extended to bona fide gifts valued at $100 or less sent from persons in foreign countries to persons in the U.S. and/or certain personal or household articles valued at $200 or less accompanying persons arriving in the U.S. "/----
02-01-2025 06:05 PM
I think this has simply not be clarified, so lets stay calm and not provide unverified information at this moment.
02-01-2025 06:10 PM
The only thing verified is that Trump went golfing today.
02-01-2025 06:24 PM
This poster is unfortunately correct. In the White House handout to the press, it is stated that the de minimis has been fully revoked. Not sure if this is enacted on Tuesday, because there is talk that it will take until March for it to be fully implemented. However, the de minimis has been fully revoked by the Trump administration.
02-01-2025 06:27 PM
"4. No de minimis exemption for packages under $800" - Directly from the White House press hand out.
02-01-2025 06:43 PM
Please post the link to your source:
02-01-2025 06:48 PM - edited 02-01-2025 06:49 PM
About 3/4 of the way down the article. Monday's packages will be the last will be able to clear the border.
02-01-2025 06:49 PM - edited 02-01-2025 06:50 PM
Some of Trump's "Orders" have already been thrown out. Some are entering legal battles.
This is because he does what he wants without authority. Example : Funding Retraction: Thrown Out.
It would be great if posters would disclose links to the source of their information so we can follow up and see if Trump has authority.
De Minimus has been part of the trade laws for a very long time. Do you know that Trump has the authority to make De Minimus go away in 48 hours? According to the CBP they need public input.
02-01-2025 06:51 PM
Please read the article. The White House announced this only an hour ago.
02-01-2025 06:53 PM
@fergua3 wrote:Still no official details on what level it is going to be at or whether it is going to be set at zero. But it is going to change and probably drop significantly as of Tuesday.
Seems like our lives are all about to change substantially. Not talking about our Ebay lives, i'm talking about our Canadian lives. If you read the official statements coming from the White House, Canada has now been classified as a threat to the national security of the US. If we retaliate to the tariffs coming on Tuesday, additional tariffs will be levied on Canada by Trump (this may not matter much because apparently the 25% coming on Tuesday will pretty much shut down all industry doing business with the US).
There have been news reports already about BC suppliers having orders from US customers cancelled. Probably not the only province where that is happening.
02-01-2025 07:08 PM - edited 02-01-2025 07:28 PM
Thank you for passing that link on.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. Is this what you saw? This is what I found on the Reuters page;
02-01-2025 07:16 PM
I would imagine that everything shipped will require an HS code which will have a tariff applied based on the value of the merchandise. This will also cause package backlogs at the border. This is essentially a Value Added Tax and will be applied in a similar fashion to VAT taxes in Europe. eBay will likely send something out Monday to it's sellers.
This is especially painful for me. I've put my blood, sweat and tears into my business. It is a full-time operation. Never ever in my life did I ever see something like this coming down the pipe.
@valueaddedresource any news from the Shopify, eBay, Poshmark, etc?
02-01-2025 07:36 PM
@wilsonharborsales wrote:I would imagine that everything shipped will require an HS code which will have a tariff applied based on the value of the merchandise. This will also cause package backlogs at the border. This is essentially a Value Added Tax and will be applied in a similar fashion to VAT taxes in Europe. eBay will likely send something out Monday to it's sellers.
This is especially painful for me. I've put my blood, sweat and tears into my business. It is a full-time operation. Never ever in my life did I ever see something like this coming down the pipe.
@valueaddedresource any news from the Shopify, eBay, Poshmark, etc?
I completely understand how you feel. Although eBay is not a full time thing for me, it's become a very important part of my life over the last 12 years. I never expected someone coming into power that would ruin the hard work I've put in over the years to build my business, and in a short time it's going to fail.
I've been particularly depressed all day with myself glued to the computer to read news updates and posts in the forum. I keep trying to tell myself not to worry yet because it's not quite clear what's going to happen, but it's become clear over the day and I have had to put my store on time away because I can't handle the anxiety of not knowing what's going to happen next.
02-01-2025 07:58 PM - edited 02-01-2025 08:14 PM
Yes, exactly @wilsonharborsales & @sin-n-dex I started in retail in 1981 still dabbling and I feel for you. I know how much work, time and money you've invested. There is a great group of sellers here. some are new and some have been around since the 90s. It's nice to see everyone come together. As you point out selling on eBay takes a lot of work and none of us need a buffoon gumming up the machine.
There's been enough speculation. I don't think you will go down with the ship. For every Trump action there's a reaction. The economies of three countries won't be snuffed by one man who spent the day on the golf course.
We'll get the Canadian war room side at 5:30 PT today. Tomorrow Trump will respond with a hissyfit. We will all know how ro react. One thing I would suggest in the meantime is to look into listing on eBay sites that are not affected like eBay UK, eBay Germany and eBay Australia. I would think it's going to be easier to accomodate the packaging and other rules than tariffs and zero deminimus.
During my experience on eBay I've never had any problem shipping to Europe or Australia other than high shipping costs. The collectors don't mind paying the shipping for valued collectibles. Maybe even better if they know they will get priority over the US.
No way could any seller's platform in Canada especially eBay get retooled in time if Trump expects zero De Minimus and his 25 % "Trump Dough" by Tuesday. We're all in the same boat. @sin-n-dex , and other sellers dependant on the US buyers, it's important to remember if your Top Rated Seller discount is based on US sales it might be in jeaopardy if you put your store on vacation causing unecessary lost interim US sales.
Hopefully after we hear Canada's plan and have confirmed the United States' plan we will also hear from eBay Canada. They could never retool by Tuesday. Hopefully they provide some guidance to Canadian eBay sellers other than "Updates to eBay shipping Supply Coupons".
02-01-2025 08:02 PM
I am there with you C. and I think every other Canadian business owner on eBay is feeling this. I am absolutely sick to my stomach.
02-01-2025 08:09 PM
Makes no sense Deminimus is Canada only, the reason it became an issue was China.
02-01-2025 08:10 PM
There is a place on the US govt website to read the text of executive orders. The executive orders for the tariffs have not been published yet. That is where I will be getting my information. Here is the link. I do not know how long it takes to publish them.
And yes, there are many actions being taken that are being legally challenged.
02-01-2025 08:26 PM - edited 02-01-2025 08:34 PM
@backpacktreasures Thank you for posting a reliable source. I'm not going there until after the "War Room" broadcast in a few minutes.
There's also a place for existing US Federal Rules of Law. Trump is something and the Status Quo is something different.
I shouldn't point fingers but Temu caused De Minimus to go under a microscope last year not Trump. Biden's careful defence against Temu's exploitation of De Minimus was nearly implemented. It's unfortunate that Trump has weaponized De Minimus against Canada.
I know Trudeau isn't "Mr. Popular" but compared to Donny he's got great hair!
for those of you who would like the link Canada's response starts NOW
02-01-2025 08:36 PM
haven't had time to read this whole thread so i don't know how the conversation has evolved but on CBC they read the comunique that the Whitehouse sent to the Canadian Gov't. In it deminimus was specifically mentioned twice as being 'eliminated'.....whatever that means. It was stated that Trump is concerned about fentynal coming in to the US from Canadian packages.
Makes no sense of course but deminimus was mentioned. There was very little elaboration on CBC because relative to what's going on, deminimus being elimanated is of really minor significance. The rhetoric coming from Republicans in the US directed towards Canada is getting increasingly hostile and threatening, including the Governor of Texas threatening Canada directly what will happen to us if we retaliate for the tariffs.